'Propaganda which goes together with Palestinian terror is a spitting image of Goebbels doctrine'
Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit
Elyakim Haetzni
Photo: GNET
The arrest of terrorists released in the Shalit deal
somewhat helped Israel regain its place in the family of sane nations, but getting out of the isolation ward entirely requires us to deal with the Nazi-like propaganda and education systems maintained by Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah, which bear as much responsibility for the kidnapping and murder of Jews as what sent Der Stürmer editor Julius Streicher to the gallows.
The education and propaganda which go together with the Palestinian terror are a spitting image of the Goebbels doctrine which laid the foundations for the Holocaust, and they are blooming and thriving under Israel's rule. This suicidal policy was led by Defense Minister Moshe Dayan, who targeted the murderers and pampered the inciters.
After the fall of Nazism, those who sought to restore Germany's humanity began in the kindergarten. They replaced the textbooks, closed the partisan press and outlawed any Nazi book, song, symbol and slogan. To this very day, any expression of solidarity with that regime is considered a criminal offense. No one had a doubt as to the casual relation between systematic education to murder and the murder itself.
Who's a Bigger Racist?
Nahum Barnea
Op-ed: Instead of whining about Palestinian incitement, ministers should discuss state of incitement in Israel.
In Berlin, one couldn't get hold of "Mein Kampf"; in Jerusalem – unrestrictedly. In Nuremberg today, one cannot write that the Jews are an inferior race, while in Ramallah it is obligatory literature to call them "the sons of apes and pigs."
In Germany, an Adolf Hitler Boulevard, a high school named after Heinrich Himmler or a sports competition in memory of Herman Göring are unimaginable.
In the Palestinian Authority, according to the Palestinian Media Watch, a child can walk on Abu Jihad Street (named after the mastermind of the bus hijacking which left 37 Israelis killed) on his way to Ahmad Yassin School (named after the founder of Hamas), play soccer as part of a competition in memory of Abdel Basset Uda (who murdered 31) and end his day at a youth club named after Abu Iyad (who was responsible for the murder of Israeli athletes in Munich).
At some point, the left re-linked the casual relation between the inciting word and the criminal act, but only in regards to Jews – when after the Goldstein massacre and the Rabin murder, they began asking what kind of flowerbeds produced these flowers of evil. However, until this very day, they won't ask the same question about the thousands of Jewish victims of Arab terrorism.
Had the settlers' radio broadcast something like "the hero prisoner Yigal Amir, who in his patience and strong resistance performed the most respectable acts of heroism," how many minutes would have passed before the police shut down the station and conducted arrests? But these words were broadcast by the Palestinian television to glorify Nasser Awis, who murdered 14 people, and Israel didn't bat an eyelid.
These nights, the IDF is pulling some of the killers out of their beds, but letting those whose words kill be. Why won't those who educate to murder and preach kidnapping be put on trial in Israel too?
We learned from former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani that the war on heavy crimes begins in being strict about the smallest sins, and in a place where people are punished for littering, the homicide rate drops too. In nationalistic crimes too, there is one sequence leading from worshipping the martyr to a stone, a knife, kidnapping and murder.
Israel is abandoning itself on the diplomatic level too. It is ignoring, for example, the PLO's commitment in the Oslo Accords to act "efficiently and effectively against acts or threats of terrorism, violence or incitement."
Do you think, for example, that the government will refuse to hold negotiation as long as Ramallah fails to remove the names of Jews' killers from its streets and institutions and fails to eliminate the incitement in its education and media?