This works. Every word written and said, in the world and in Israel, about a "massacre" and "war crimes" is another word establishing Hamas' strategy.
So we can tell ourselves, repeatedly, that we are winning. Militarily, it's true. Strategically, it's much less true. The first and expected international sign came from the UN Human Rights Council, whose decision to launch a commission of inquiry is more serious than the decision made by that same council in regards to Operation Cast Lead.
Now it's also leaders and friends from the Western states. In France, it's the president and foreign minister who are using the word "massacre," thereby not only helping Hamas score points but also encouraging the jihadists on Paris' streets. If this is what Laurent Fabius and Francois Hollande are saying, how can we complain about the protestors?
It's a given process. In the first stage, they show understanding towards Israel. In the second stage, media reports emerge about the destruction in Gaza and about the innocent casualties. In the third stage, the politicians change their stance.
Ed Miliband, the British opposition leader, strongly criticized his country's arms deals with Israel, and Prime Minister David Cameron announced that every single deal would be reviewed thoroughly. Another achievement for Hamas.
France and Britain were in the exact same situation when NATO planes bombed Belgrade and its surroundings. A Hospital, a retirement home and a refugee camp suffered direct hits. On April 15, 1999, British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook reacted to the targeting of innocent people: "How dare they now produce crocodile tears for people killed in the conflict for which they are responsible."
It happened again in 2012 in the bombardments against the Libyan regime. Innocent people were killed. Amnesty demanded an investigation. NATO ignored it.
And it happened when the Lebanese army destroyed an entire refugee camp, Nahr al-Bared, in order to uproot a handful of 450 members of a terror organization. The West encouraged Lebanon, both materialistically and morally, to do all that it takes, including destroy most of the camp's building, in order to uproot the terror cancer.
And it happened when the Taliban took over the Swat District in Pakistan. Once again, the West was there to encourage the army to use a firm hand against the terror cancer.
Until it comes to Israel. Then the West supports Israel's right to defend itself, as long as it goes to war with its hands tied.
When Hamas turns the civil population into a human shield, when it builds bunkers and tunnels under apartment buildings, when it stashes rockets under mosques, hospitals and schools, and when its television channel calls, these days too, as it has in recent years, for the annihilation of Jews – then the "massacre" claims are a reward for Hamas.
And it’s most fascinating that when some of the Arab states want Israel to crush Hamas, because they are afraid that the radical Islam's killing industry will reach them too, that's when the West encourages terror.
On the military level, Israel has reached impressive achievements. On the strategic level, the international response rewards the jihad camp with points. That's what Hamas hoped would happen. That's exactly what happened.