Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Italian Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini
Photo: EPA
Flyers calling for a boycott of Jewish-owned businesses were found in several areas of Rome on Saturday, the JTA news agency reported.
According to the report, the pamphlets were signed by Italian extreme-rightist group Vita Est Militia, and made direct reference to events in Gaza, and "echoed slogans of the far left".
The discovery comes as Jewish leaders across Europe sound the alarm over growing anti-Semitism on the continent, and protests over Israel's Gaza conflict target Jewish communities in various countries.
Religous Hatred
Raoudi Albdelbar reported to have said, 'Oh Allah, count them one by one and kill them to the very last one,' during sermon at mosque near Venice.
The flyers reportedly stated that, “boycotting any type of Jewish product or business is fundamental to stop the massacre in Palestine.” According to the JTA, they claimed that “every shop, factory and business under Jewish ownerships sends a percentage of its profits to Israel to furnish weapons and continue to kill those who have a right to live in their own homeland.”
The pamphlets also reportedly listed the names of more than 40 businesses, including clothing shops, butchers, restaurants, bars and hotels that were apparently Jewish-owned.
The head of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities, Renzo Gattegna, told JTA that, the use of far-left language by a far-right organization showed two groups who normally did not share an agenda uniting in anti-Semitism.
“We are witnessing with concern the solidifying of the extremist underworld in the name of a common anti-Jewish and anti-Israel hatred whose most violent mode of expressions, still partially latent, risks forming a danger to the entire national collective,” Gattegna told JTA.
There have been several attacks on Jewish communities since the start of the fighting in Gaza. In July, eight people were hurt when pro-Gaza protesters tried to storm two synagogues in Paris.
Earlier this month, an American Jewish woman in Belgium called a doctor about a fractured rib, and was told to "visit Gaza" to help get rid of the pain. When the woman's son called back to the medical hotline the doctor was manning, the physician told him to "Send her to Gaza for a few hours, then she’ll get rid of the pain."
In Britain, members of the Jewish community have expressed concern over growing anti-Semitism in the country, with reports of swastikas being scrawled on gravestones, businesses and homes, as well as abusive incidents in predominantly Jewish neighborhoods.