
ROI Community conference (archives)

150 Jewish innovators gather in Jerusalem

This year's ROI Summit convenes experts from 32 countries in a wide range of fields, from app developers and crusading journalists to toy designers and community organizers, who are seeking to build a thriving Jewish future.

Some 150 of the Jewish world’s leading change-makers from 32 countries gathered in Jerusalem this week to kick off the 2015 ROI Summit, ROI Community's flagship program that will run till Thursday.



This year’s ROI Summit at the Hotel Yehuda convenes experts in a wide range of fields, from app developers and crusading journalists to toy designers and community organizers, who are seeking to build a thriving Jewish future and a better world.


Over the five-day gathering, participants are shaping much of the summit content by leading sessions in which they share their knowledge and skills with their peers.


"We are proud that the ROI Summit has become an exceptional forum to convene some of the most promising young Jews from around the world, providing a platform for them to challenge each other and develop their visions for change," said Justin Korda, executive director of ROI Community.


"This group of inspiring leaders has incredible potential to infuse new energy into the global Jewish community."


ROI Summit. 'Incredible potential to infuse new energy into the global Jewish community' (archives)
ROI Summit. 'Incredible potential to infuse new energy into the global Jewish community' (archives)


Following the summit, participants will join an active global network of young Jews dedicated to social entrepreneurship, innovation and Jewish continuity.


ROI believes that the participants themselves provide some of the most valuable summit content, so much of the experience will revolve around sessions based on peer-to-peer skill- and knowledge-sharing.


To encourage participants to learn from the diverse array of global leaders attending the event, ROI has commissioned a dynamic online platform called "Brainstorm," where participants can arrange "Brain Dates": Thirty-minute meetings of the mind during which participants will challenge and inspire one another, and share their expertise with their counterparts.


Other innovative sessions will include "Creativity Studios," artistic workshops which will provide fertile fields for creative awakening and experimentation, and "Flip Panels," which are designed to fuel the future of Jewish creativity. During "Flip Panels," participants will engage with opinion leaders and experts who will seek their advice on significant challenges they are facing in their organizations and communities.


Keynote speakers at the summit include Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat; Joshua Foer, author of "Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything," who was the 2006 US Memory Champion; Randall Lane, editor of Forbes magazine; Shoshana Boyd Gelfand, director of JHub in London; and Israeli social entrepreneur Adi Altschuler, named a "Next Generation Leader" by TIME Magazine.


ROI Community is an international network of activists and change makers who are redefining Jewish engagement for a new generation of global citizens.


ROI Community members channel a diversity of perspectives, skills and interests toward a shared passion for advancing ideas and partnerships that will strengthen Jewish communities and improve society.


Through its capstone Summit and an innovative suite of ongoing opportunities for professional development, networking and financial support, ROI empowers its members to take an active role in shaping the Jewish future.


Founded in 2006, ROI Community is part of the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation, a global organization that that seeks to ignite the passion and unleash the power in young people to create positive change for themselves, the Jewish community and the broader world.


To learn more about the participants, visit: .


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