Arguing that Western nations are using terrorism as a means to advance political agendas, Assad said, "Western countries that declared war on terrorism are still supporting it and not fighting it. The things they say are just headlines for internal needs."
When asked whether or not he fears a war with Israel as a result of Israeli Air Force (IAF) strikes against weapons depots, Assad said, "This fear is far from reality, because in actuality, we are already in a war like this whether it is defined as the Syrian-Israeli war or not.
"You can assume that these terrorists are fighting for Israel. If they aren't part of the regular Israeli army, they're fighting for Israel. Israel has common goals with Turkey, the United States, France, Britain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other countries. Israel is working on helping these terrorists wherever the Syrian army is advancing. It attacks in one form or another to provide them with assistance, and to stop the Syrian army's momentum in the face of the terrorists."
(Translated and edited by Fred Goldberg)