Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and the Israeli consul general share Iftar together
Israeli Consul General of Los Angeles Sam Grundwerg and the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding hold an Iftar meal with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Russell Simmons and Jewish/Muslim religious leaders to promote dialogue between the two communities.
The traditional Muslim fast-breaking meal was held Thursday night at Grundwerg's home in the city as part of a joint initiative between the Israeli Consulate and the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding.

Jewish and Muslim religious leaders from the area as well as local officials participated in the meal. In addition to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, producer and entrepreneur Russell Simmons was also in attendance.
During the evening, fruitful dialogue was held, led by Abdul-Jabbar, aimed at promoting discourse, appreciation and respect between local Jewish and Muslim communities.
"The basic values of Islam, Christianity and Judaism are the same values: they are based on compassion, tolerance and helping the needy. Those who incite us toward each other do so not out of religious belief but out of their own political and economic ambitions. Therefore, we, the believers, need to take advantage of every opportunity to sit together and share our messages of unity with all those who seek peace and a thriving world," said Abdul-Jabbar.
Grundwerg added, "The wonderful event that took place this evening allows us to celebrate qualities that we have in common and also the differences between us that enrich our community diversity. This meeting demonstrates that people of good will from different religions and cultures can celebrate together and live together in harmony, mutual respect and unity."