Israel tells UN: Hezbollah set up observation posts under guise of green organization
In letter to Security Council, Ambassador Danon says the Hezbollah-funded organization Green Without Borders denied UNIFIL access to an observation post; Danon argues the posts violate UNSC resolutions and calls on international community to demand Lebanon dismantles posts.
The Hezbollah-funded organization's declared goal is to expand the green areas of Lebanon and raise awareness to environmental protection. It also promotes agriculture and collects ecological data.
In a letter to members of the UN Security Council, Israel's Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon described an incident that occurred in April, when a group of civilians denied the United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon (UNIFIL) access to an observation post belonging to Green Without Borders.
The letter included photos of the observation posts and maps detailing their exact locations.
"This evidence proves Hezbollah is working along the Blue Line under the guise of civilian activity, while violating UN Security Council resolutions 1701 and 1559," Danon wrote.
"Hezbollah continues to grow its strength in southern Lebanon and is threatening the stability of the entire region. The international community must not turn a blind eye to these dangerous threats," Danon continued.
He called on the Security Council to demand the Lebanese government to dismantle the observation posts immediately.