Eli Yishai
Photo: Gil Yohanan

Expel all the criminals

Op-ed: African migrants should indeed be expelled, along with another Israeli sector

In the past, Interior Minister Eli Yishai from the Shas party already warned us that African work migrants brought to Israel diseases such as hepatitis B, measles, and AIDS.


Now, according to Minister Yishai, it turns out that they also imported to Israel various phenomena such as the rape epidemic, violence, theft, and the usage of knives for purposes other than cutting vegetables.


Indeed, some researchers insist that such criminal phenomenon have been observed in Israel even before the African crime families arrived here. However, these must be odd claims that are no less unfounded than Darwin's evolution theory.


And as the Africans brought to Israel not only the crime virus, but are also dangerous missionaries who are plotting to convert us from Judaism to the new religion of criminality, we should all join the call issued by Minister Yishai this past week.


Indeed, we should imprison and expel from here all of these Africans. However, this should only be done on one condition.


In addition to all of these criminals, another criminally minded community must also be expelled. After all, this community's involvement in criminal activities exceeds that of any other sector in Israel and there is no other community that made a greater contribution to rising crime here and to the process of Israel's social deterioration.


I'm talking about the Shas party's Knesset members.


פרסום ראשון: 05.19.12, 14:00
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