
'Lionesses' march

Will Assad's 'Lionesses' save him?

Video posted online shows soldiers in all-women battalion during military parade with Assad's photo in background; Syrian army chief tells soldiers 'continue holy operations'

Sky News Arabic published a video this week documenting an all-women battalion in the Syrian army named "The Lionesses for National Defense." Facebook pages supporting embattled President Bashar Assad explained that the mission of the "lionesses" is to defend the country alongside the men.


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The clip shows the women marching while waving the Syrian flag. A picture of Assad can be seen in the background. The article did not mention where or exactly when the military parade was held.


Lionesses for National Defense


On Friday the chief of staff of the Syrian army, Ali Abdullah Ayub, visited one of the army's combat units to encourage the soldiers. "The plot being hatched against Syria has failed thanks to the bravery of the Syrian army and the solidarity of the Syrian people," he told the soldiers, while urging them to continue their "holy operations, which are manifested in the destruction of armed terror cells and the cleansing of the homeland from their impurity."


National soccer team meets Assad


Meanwhile, Assad is trying to display business as usual. A few days ago he hosted Syria's national soccer team, which won the West Asia Football Federation championship in Kuwait City last month. Assad seemed to be in good spirits during the meeting with the players. The meeting was held amid reports that prior to the tournament, a number of players boycotted the national team as an act of solidarity with the revolution.


Following the victory over Iraq in the championship game, one of the Syrian players raised the revolution's flag.


Striker Omar Al Soma said in a televised interview after the match "I give this win and this worthy title to the Syrian people. I thank God that we succeeded in bringing happiness to the sad people."



פרסום ראשון: 01.05.13, 09:52
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