Photo: Joe Kot
Should Israelis be kept away from casino?
Photo: Joe Kot

Stay away from casino

Israelis should be prohibited from gambling at Jericho casino, Eytan Bentsur writes

The West Bank towns of Jericho and Tul Karm been handed over once again by the IDF to the Palestinians; undoubtedly the question of the re-opening of the Jericho casino will be raised.


I suggest that the first meeting between Israelis and Palestinians, following three years of blood-spattered intifadah, should not be at the blackjack table and slot machines.


The Israelis should be prohibited from gambling at the Jericho casino.


Let us avoid the influx of highhanded Israelis to Jericho, where the class and income inequality is accentuated at the heart of the Palestinian Authority.


'It will serve as a wrong message'


The Israelis should refrain from going there also to dispel the prevalent suspicion that the initiators of the unity government in Israel and the unilateral disengagement policy are associated, directly or indirectly, with the proprietors of the casino and may have had ulterior motives.


It will serve as a wrong message in every aspect.


However, the casino ought to be opened for tourists from the world over, from the Gulf States and neighboring countries; tour packages to the Middle East - Jordan, Israel and the Palestinian Authority can be boosted by a visit to Jericho and its casino.


The meeting between Israelis and Palestinians is supposed to be in the realm of people to people, through ties and activities, in the areas of health, education and trade; in encouraging projects of tolerance, improved mutual acquaintance, children hosting children respectively.


To rebuild the edifice of joint confidence, layer by layer, tactfully – with the utmost of sensitivity.


'Help only when asked'


In this regard, Israel must refrain from bombastic statements about future developments in the Palestinian Authority; it is not Israel’s duty to scheme and plan on behalf of Palestinians; this would raise high expectations at the expense of the resources of the international community.


Now that the trust between Israel and European community is in the process of being repaired - it should be left for them to plan and help in executing the advancement of the Palestinian Authority.


Israel, on its part, should help only when asked and maintain a low profile in order not to appear patronizing. The syndrome of the vociferous Casablanca Conference should not be repeated.


The sublime idea of cooperation and regional development dissipated in the hurly burly. There is too much at stake. Let Israel help the Europeans and the international community to aid the Palestinians, quietly and courteously, while keeping the lowest possible profile.


Eytan Bentsur is the former Director General of the Israeli Foreign Ministry

פרסום ראשון: 03.23.05, 00:03
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