Photo: Flash 90
'I knew that would break you,' Yael Mishali
Photo: Flash 90

Leftists, bring it on

Only road blocking settlers would drive you into the streets in a tizzy

Dear Guy,


I sat and watched the joyous images of youngsters brimming with faith and motivation blocking streets. My heart swelled at the sight of the irritated Israeli, who lost his senses the moment he realized he was stuck.


My hand was on my heart, like you had asked, and I admit that I believed and I knew. I knew that Monday evening there would be extraordinary gridlock, and I knew that would break you.


Like you really care


And you, with your hand on your heart, think that you can sell me the fiction that what concerns you is “the law”? I laughed. A lot.


When you asked, “Where the hell were we,” who do you mean? I suppose you mean the leftists, who preach about democracy and law but never stopped for a moment to wonder what happened to them along the way to the disengagement.


It bothers you that you’re stuck in traffic? Wow. How much does it bother you that reporters are covering for Sharon “until after disengagement”? How much does it bother you that the disengagement government is corrupt?


How much does it bother you that the compensation the evacuees will get comes out to as much as a sheep from Sycamore Ranch would fetch? How much do really care about human rights, peace, minorities, and democracy?


What else, besides settlers blocking intersections, would get you out into the streets in such a tizzy? More than anything, my angry friend, I cannot stand your empty leftist hypocrisy.


The price of your stance


Your holy disengagement planwill be carried out with the same Sharon efficiency you had opposed all these years. This hell you talk about is heaven compared to chaos that will follow.


An anti-democratic and close-minded society, a confused army, a violent police, and a corrupt Knesset – that is what will happen here. And it’s all because of Sharon and his collaborators, your “we.”


Me and my “we,” who believe that we need to abandon territory and advance the establishment of a Palestinian state, and know the real price of it all, will look at this mad partnership between the Israeli left and right, which destroys any chance that next to Palestine there will be a Jewish and democratic state.


Think about that next time you’re stuck in traffic.


פרסום ראשון: 05.17.05, 21:31
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