Photo: Knesset website
Roman Bronfman
Photo: Knesset website
Photo: Reuters
Palestinian partner? Mahmoud Abbas
Photo: Reuters

We have a partner

Quiet pullout proves Palestinians wish to renounce armed conflict

The recently completed evacuation process proved beyond any doubt that even in the occupying, tired, and embroiled-in-disputes Israel, positive developments are possible.


The successful evacuation proved that if there is determination, readiness, and political maneuverability, it is possible to evacuate Jewish communities. Despite the doubts, it turned out that if the government takes a decision that means ending the occupation of Palestinian areas, sticks to the mission, and is willing to assume political risks in order to complete it and meet its pledges to the Israeli public and the international community – such government not only survives, but also dictates an agenda and comes out stronger.


The successful evacuation proved that if security forces are well prepared and guided, they are able to carry out a difficult task and demonstrate strength of character we haven't seen before.


In this context, however, one can only regret the fact security forces do not undergo the same process of mental and physical preparation in their handling of the Palestinian population and other Israeli citizens, who often fall victim to police aggression.


This is particularly true for Arab-Israelis and the immigrant community here.


The successful evacuation proved that across the border there is a Palestinian partner we can hold talks with and sign a final-status agreement with.


Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas demonstrated his control over events in the territories, paralyzed terror groups, and the disengagement went by quietly.


It appears that the current Palestinian leadership is looking to build its nation and not continue the armed struggle against Israel. This may change, however, should Israel fail to offer Abbas a clear diplomatic horizon, which must include, as soon as possible, the evacuation of illegal West Bank outposts and a return to the road map peace initiative.


The successful evacuation proved that Israeli society, on most of its sectors, is ready for a historic end to the occupation and a move to a comprehensive, fair, and viable peace with the Palestinians and the entire Arab world.


Jewish militants must be detained


Even the moderate right-wing sector of Israeli society, which did not agree with the government decision to disengage from Gaza and northern Samaria, or alternately, objected to the way the decision was taken, realized that the essence of Israeli democracy is assuming collective responsibility for our actions.


At the same time, the evacuation also proved that Israeli society features a religious-nationalistic-messianic sector, which has not accepted and will likely never accept the authority of the democratic regime. This small group will attempt, using all means at its disposal, to undermine the not-stable-enough basis of Israeli democracy, with the express intention of eliminating it.


This sector will not hesitate to resort to any means, including the assassination of Jews and Arabs alike, and the murder of citizens and political leaders.


These people constitute an existential threat to democracy, and the legal system must therefore outlaw them, and not only when it comes to declarations, as is the case now, but also practically – that is, dismantling militant groups and detaining their activists.


In light of all of the above, the current Israeli government and the one to follow must continue the process that started with the evacuation of Gaza and northern Samaria and to leverage its success in order to achieve genuine peace with our neighbors.


After all, this is the only guarantee for preserving Israel as a national home for Jews, and not just a random piece of land.


פרסום ראשון: 08.28.05, 12:30
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