Photo: Reuters
May encounter wrong premise. Annan
Photo: Reuters

Mideast reasoning

Way must be found to cut off head of the hyena, meaning Iran, Syria regimes

"Reason is a whore," declared the 15th century monk Martin Luther, unleashing the bloodshed of Reformation in Europe. The words he used are subscribed now by Muslim clerks, with different in one word - the deity.


"Reason," he said, "must be deluded, blinded, and destroyed. Faith must trample underfoot all reason, sense, and understanding, and whatever it sees must be put out of sight and... Know nothing but the word of God."


The Muslim clerics and statesmen replace God with Allah. The dangers are similar.


Modern interpreters found logic in Luther's pronouncements. Reason when directed by religions frenzy has an aim, and reason is only a sub-servant to an aim, a purpose. Philosophically speaking, it makes sense.


Mass hysteria


The current efforts of Western leaders and the UN may encounter a wrong premise: That the present situation is manageable by diplomatic and even military intervention. But they haven't considered that the Arab world is moved by powerful emotions, gigantic mass hysteria tendencies, feeding on a number of incentives.


1. Israel is perceived as an outpost of the Western world and a servant of the Great Satan. Zeroing-on on Israel is lodged in the minds and hearts of Muslims all over the world. Even in Israel, Arabs suffering bombardments of Katyushas claim the right to feel Jihadis for the cause of Hizbullah.



2. This human earthquake feeds on deep envies and feelings of deprivation from the good life that the West enjoys through scientific and technological developments, which they can see only on TV and feel the utter impossibility of joining the benefits and allurements of material prospect.


3. For this reason a religious ideology spread all over and shatters all stable configurations of power, institutions and communal life.


Samuel Huntingdon has widely argued that the terrorism originating in the Muslim world has much to do with a population bulge that is currently peaking with millions of young men in their teens and 20s. This period in the male life is most closely associated with crime and violence, and this is exacerbated in many Muslim countries, where the economy is not growing fast enough to meet growing demand.


4. In place of hope, Nasrallah is the Messiah of the Muslim world. His message that "The Zionist entity's weakness is their strong adherence to this world... Our strength is the willingness to sacrifice our blood and children," deracinate the Islamic religion and turn it into a formalized, secular ritual.


5. At the same time an undercurrent of dissent is not moving to check this crazy philosophy. A UN study has found that most of the young men and women in Arab countries want to leave home and move to the West.


"Remarkably, 51 percent of older youths expressed a desire to immigrate to other countries, clearly indicating their dissatisfaction with current conditions and future prospects in their home countries," the report says.


This is happening at a time when the US and other western countries are tightening their visa restrictions against Arab immigrants, as a result of terrorist threats, meaning that few of them will be able to fulfill their dreams.


Cut off the head of hyena


And all this is capped by the weakness of Western liberal values which tolerate ambiguity and are unable to defend themselves against the sly planning of the onslaught on the Western world.


Even in Israel which suffered the Holocaust, the liberal elements caused much of the retreat from the strongholds of Israeli might and actually served as the apologists for an illusionary Arab world which may come to terms with Israeli existence.


The logic of this analysis leads to a need not only to support Israel but also to appeal to novel methods of fighting this universal menace. Instead of bickering about the accommodations in Lebanon, a way has to be found to cut off the head of hyena, meaning the regimes in Iran and Syria.


To give up the pressure to deter Iran from developing nuclear weapons is sheer madness. And ways of destroying physically the encampments of those facilities must take priority.


Remember, Israel's destruction of Sadam Hussein facility was a preventive measure which saved the world.


With a pang of humane sense of shame, we can say, in full conscience that the Arab world yields to manifestations of power and thus also to the arrest of those terrible forces in the populations which currently drive the effort to destroy Israel as a prelude to paralyze the West.


It is an agenda that has at least to be considered, and quickly.


פרסום ראשון: 08.10.06, 20:02
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