Photo: Photo Denia
Yitzhak Shomron
Photo: Photo Denia

How to escape doomsday scenario

If the Jews would have resources to alert the world to the dangers, the world at large would be saved from horrible consequences

Not a few questions loom large on the Mideast crisis. And there comes a moment when we have to start sacrificing one more holy cow: The idea that Israel doesn't want, need or will ever request external help without relying on its own people, soldiers and military might.


The fact is, we have no answers for doomsdays scenarios that are listed here in a random manner:


1. How do we confront the new, Jihadist spirit of Arab countries that harbor terrorism? It is a new kind of war which harbors death wishes as an instrument of fighting. No war ever took that as a principle which denies the possibility of capture and surrender.


2. Where are the guarantees that both in the West bank and Gaza we may not confront the kind of developing strategies, which included secret expanding of primitive factories to manufacture various kinds of missiles and conventional arms. A surprise on this possibility is forbidden to occur in our ranks, but who knows?


3. Are our strategic deployments of military planning sufficient to new threats? What is the answer to the possibility that the whole of Israel, including air and sea, will be covered by primitive but highly efficient fire from the neighboring parts of Israel?


4. What happens if even parts of that doomsday scenario come into effect? Where will the population escape from the dangers? Will the able and affluent run out by sea, because no part will be safe from the kind of total onslaught that can be imagined?


5. And yes, we may face the frenzy expanding to Iran as a leading force, which calculates unimaginable plans. Didn't the case of Gadhafi, who suddenly surprised the world with stages of producing nuclear power, serve as a reminder that everything is possible in the Middle East?


6. What will actually happen to our stance in the democratic countries when a total breakdown of rule and economic activity produces horrendous results in the population? The same must be asked about the West bank.


We have to face those questions and others by assuming and trying to make the world aware of the new reality.


Universal fight against Muslim fanaticism 

And this reality is obvious: Israel is perceived as an outpost of the Western world. The collective mind of millions and millions of Muslims will again make traditional use of the mobs and put us on center stage by zeroing-in on Israel as a first stage of the confrontation with the West.


We have learned that the terrorists worldwide, even if not through conspiratorial methods, find a way to till the soil of disconnected and concentrated efforts on one front, while having in mind grander strategies of destruction.


All this shows that we may have to discard the wonderful idea that Israel can take care of itself and it will not ask for external forces to help in the fight for its existence.


The real situation must be demonstrated logically everywhere: Israel is part of a world which is situated in the throes of real jeopardy, and so it needs the readiness of the world not only to defend itself ,but also to coordinate the universal fight against Muslim fanaticism.


In this vein, for example, we may point out that Israel in the last years is hampered by the difficulties of intelligence gathering through its ties with the United States and Europe.


Israel alone cannot serve as testing field  

And there is no worldwide awareness that the new generations in the Arab world are not just experiencing an encounter with Israel, but are part of a dynamic ongoing process: the scene of onslaught changes, passes from hand to hand, so to say, the form of political and military encounter changes shape, but the aim, which is implanted in the minds of rulers and whole populations, does not.


The need then emerges to implant the awareness in the West that Israel alone cannot serve as the testing field of the new kind of warfare. Ways have to be found to influence the leaders and public opinion in this direction.


And it can be pointed out clearly that not only does Europe, and in part the US, have an obligation not to  risk a Jewish state, after the Holocaust, but also the following injunction :


Please, remember that with Hitler it all started with the Jews, but if the Jews would have the resources to alert the world to the dangers, not only they, the Jews, would be saved from horrible consequences, but the world at large!


פרסום ראשון: 08.26.06, 14:55
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