Photo: Dan Balilty
Elyakim Haetzni
Photo: Dan Balilty

A war over what?

We sent our troops to Lebanon loaded with inferiority complexes

Where is the committee of inquiry that will restock our depleted spiritual war reserves? The reserves accumulated for over 2,000 years and emptied all at once? Doesn't a soldier equipped with all the latest navigation equipment still need a flag under which to fight?


Churchill saw his people's "finest hour" in saving civilizations from the barbaric Nazis. Stalin introduced a battle cry "for the sake of the country." Bush dispatched his troops with a message of freedom and democracy. And our enemies too are spurring their fighters with exhilarating messages, however repulsive they may be.


Only Israeli troops go to battle with their souls empty. The "Pillar of Fire" presented by the prime minister to guide their way, was just – "our right to live in peace," a modest call, but not the type of call for which one would give his soul.


The institution called "quiet now" also produced the slogan "protection of our homes," because four walls can stand erect anywhere, and you don't need a homeland for that. And a war over land is not considered a "just" war.


Kissing the earth and not the State

On welcoming 600 new immigrants Olmert spoke of the pride of "living in Israel." However, according to the report, several immigrants opted to kiss the earth. Why? They should have kissed the State. But how does one kiss a State? And what do a people embark on war for, if not for their country and homeland?


The emotional dehydration of the enlightened Israeli also includes secular values that Israel would do well to take pride in. For example, when the troops were sent to Lebanon they could have adopted values such as protecting freedom and democracy, the sanctity of life and human rights, and an emancipated and advanced society.


So, our prime minister has emotional qualms about giving his troops Zionist messages such as assuring their future, a people tired of wondering and a message of Holocaust survivors living in their historic homeland – but what about those universal, enlightened values that Israel projects like a lighthouse in the dark?


Can't the young people they are protecting be told more than just about their right for "quiet"? Can't they instill in them a value for their people and culture? Why is national pride no longer considered politically correct here?


Let's talk about the enemy

Well, if they can't be told that, perhaps they can be told something about the terrorist enemy, about how animalistic and despicable it is, about its dictatorial regime, backwardness and fanaticism? No! Israel's official bon ton is to uphold the enemy's honor and to hold ourselves in contempt.


We sent our troops to battle loaded with inferiority complexes: It's not the Jews who are the victims – who have epitomized persecution throughout history – but rather the Arabs who have subjugated all the peoples from the Persian Gulf to the Atlantic Ocean, but we can't say anything about this.


And it is not they who are the conquerors, but us, who made the prophecy of returning to our homeland come true after so many generations, this in itself is a unique phenomenon in human history. But we are embarrassed to mention this as well.


Those who dripped this poison on our youths' heads have a major part in the wretched victory we won in "points" that the chief of staff is so proud of.


פרסום ראשון: 09.04.06, 13:06
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