Photo: Eli Elgarat
Benita Ferrero-Waldner
Photo: Eli Elgarat

New roles for Europe in Middle East

Europe must do everything possible to bring all parties back to negotiating table

The conflict in Lebanon, the violence in the Palestinian Territories, the suffering of civilians in northern Israel: These past months the prospect of a comprehensive peace has seemed further off than ever.


Yet, paradoxically, these conflicts – and the misery suffered by ordinary Lebanese, Israelis and Palestinians – have once more brought to the forefront the need for a negotiated, regional solution. They are a stark and cruel reminder that security and stability cannot be imposed unilaterally, without dialogue or diplomacy.


The rapid escalation of violence this summer produced no victory, only victims. We see once more the costly ineffectiveness of military action to resolve the long drawn-out conflicts of the Middle East.


Yet the status quo – which includes the slow chipping away of the credibility of a two-state solution, continued occupation and endemic violence - is itself a recipe for instability. It is also a recipe for interference by unhelpful third parties and radicalism, fuelled by injustices either perceived or real.


One choice

There is, then, really only one choice. We all need to confirm the political perspective upon which the Peace Process depends, the need for viable institutions of any future Palestinian state and our readiness to engage with any Palestinian government ready to work for peace by peaceful means.


Europe must do everything possible to bring all the parties back to the negotiating table. By focusing on concrete and pragmatic measures that can bring about positive and tangible results, Europe can help to create the appropriate climate and facilitate a re-engagement of the parties. Decisive action is needed to get the parties back on the track to a negotiated peace.


The European Union has called for an early meeting of President Abbas and Prime Minister Olmert. It is also time for Israel and Lebanon to establish channels for dialogue, and for Syria to be brought back into the equation to ensure that everyone does their part in the implementation of the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions.


We all must turn the tragic events of this summer into an opportunity for a long term settlement of the still open conflicts in the region.


I am confident that the European Union, which is already contributing to peace in the region through the EU BAM in Rafah, in UNIFIL in southern Lebanon and the Temporary International Mechanism for the Palestinian people, will be able to live up to the increasingly important expectations and responsibilities being placed on it to help bring lasting peace and robust stability to the Middle East


Benita Ferrero-Waldner, European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy


פרסום ראשון: 10.25.06, 14:05
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