Livni - Lesson from Obama's book
Photo: Gil Yohanan
Netanyahu - Another market victim?
Photo: Yaron Brener

It’s Netanyahu’s fault

Livni’s only hope of winning elections is holding Bibi responsible for economic crisis

This week I returned from Los Angeles. The stores were empty. Car dealerships were deserted. Obama won the elections not only because he is sweet, smart, handsome, young, and progressive, but also because he constantly made sure everyone remembers who’s at fault for the economic decline. Americans did not vote against McCain, but rather, against Bush, after accusing him and his Administration (and rightfully so) of leading the American economic system to a hopeless situation.


These bad winds have started making their way over to us too. The person who attempted to initiate the American system of maximal economic freedom and lack of regulation was Benjamin Netanyahu, during his term as finance minister. The reform he led is causing us to lose our pension fund and provident fund savings today. Bibi, who wanted us to be like America, handed over the funds, which used to be monitored in banks, to investment houses.


Therefore, Tzipi Livni should tell the people of Israel every day – she should scream and not be shy about it – if you want more problems and crises, vote for Netanyahu. She should note that he is the master of the system that almost won around here.


If Livni wishes to win, she should not be dealing with declarations about her intention not to divide Jerusalem. She needs to run against someone. People like to be in favor of the “against.” She must not run against the radical rightists, but rather, against those who ruined the savings plans of Israelis. She must focus on what we can expect should Bibi be able to lead all sorts of reforms. She should fight for civil marriages because this is what many of her potential voters want, and also because this is something Bibi cannot offer.


Blatant words needed

Livni needs to be as focused as Obama, who night and day repeated the message: McCain is the same as Bush – which wasn’t true – yet the people wanted to know who pulverized them economically, and Bush was already a dead duck. Should Livni repeat time and again who took away the savings of voters, they will get it. They will most certainly get it. She does not need any stars on her Knesset list, but rather, just some blatant words.


Obama made it clear to Americans that there is someone responsible for what they see on the streets. The upscale Bloomingdales in Beverly Hills was almost empty this week. A year ago, a salesperson who would show me the door even before I entered chased me around in an attempt to convince me to buy a pair of jeans at a great discount. The huge attention a loser like me enjoyed said it all.


These messages are the only way for Livni to get through to the people who are currently looking up to someone making empty promises. She needs to repeat it like a mantra, time and again: The person who took away your money and savings, and who hits you where it truly hurts – your children’s education, the food you buy – is Benjamin Netanyahu, the man who brought about the economic disaster hovering above us. We have already turned into a country of party leaders. After all, we won’t be voting for Moshe Yaalon or Penina Rosenblum, but rather, it’s a head to head contest: Bibi against Livni.


פרסום ראשון: 11.23.08, 19:24
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