Netanyahu. Another tiring round of deception
Photo: Avi Ohayon, GPO

Netanyahu’s creative solutions

Asaf Gefen mocks PM’s decision to build like crazy homes ahead of construction freeze

Last week, everyone around here was preoccupied with solving the latest mystery: Where did Bibi disappear?


Maybe he is at some secret meeting in a classified defense facility; maybe this secret facility even has a Jacuzzi. However, perhaps the prime minister traveled to Russia for a secret diplomatic mission, or better yet, maybe he joined Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman on his education tour in Africa.


It was indeed difficult to fall asleep at night without knowing what Netanyahu had been up to, yet despite his disappearance it is difficult to say that his absence was felt around here. At least no more than on days where he is in fact present at the office.


This past week, for example, the prime minister dealt with the truly fascinating issue of a construction freeze in the settlements, and he did it with the suitable tactic of freezing decisions instead.


Bibi aims to please everyone

This was just another case of zigzagging where Bibi attempts to please everyone, ranging from the Americans to rebellious Likud members. At the end of the day he indeed manages to create overwhelming consensus over the fact that we can’t believe a word he says.


PM Netanyahu’s latest creative solution was to freeze all construction – but before going ahead and doing it, build like crazy! This is a brilliant notion that we would do well to adopt on different fronts as well.


For example, we can go ahead and make peace, but before that we should embark on an all-out war. Or better yet, we can solve the problem of unemployment, immediately after we fire everyone!


With this kind of conduct, the issue of a construction freeze at the settlements – a minor and distracting matter whose only possible significance has to do with boosting trust between the sides – has turned into yet another tiring round of deception.


פרסום ראשון: 09.13.09, 19:34
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