Declaration of war on revelers?
Photo: Visual Photos

The alcohol battle

Asaf Gefen hopes to see ‘vodka insubordination’ in wake of new legislation

The prime minister proudly declared this past week that “the people were waiting for this decision.” He was not referring to minor issues such as the release of IDF captive Gilad Shalit or to a comprehensive peace deal, but rather, to the government approval of a bill limiting the sale of alcohol at night.


At a regular time, we could have dismissed this issue as yet another parliamentary nuisance. However, there is no doubt that passing this legislation now of all times, right before New Year’s Eve, constitutes a direct declaration of war on thousands of revelers who were planning to welcome the New Year with the traditional ceremony of puking on sidewalks.


The decision on banning late-night alcohol sales at kiosks saw the government displaying uncharacteristic decisiveness. Now, we have to wait for the acts of reprisal: Will alcohol inspectors who arrive at kiosks in order to hand out official notices be attacked? Will IDF troops be lifting up signs reading “We refuse to go without vodka on our vacations?”


Rabbi Melamed of alcohol

The new law is yet another brick in the wall of limiting individual rights and entertainment options. However, it doesn’t sound like a very effective means of addressing the issue. As we know, all possible narcotics legislation was unable to make drugs less popular, and the period of Prohibition in the United States is mostly remembered as organized crime’s finest hour.


The new legislation (which raises the age limit from 18 to 21 and bans kiosks from selling alcohol between 11 pm and 7 am) will merely serve to force Israelis to drink at home, pay double the price at dance clubs, add an older friend to their group, or start stabbing each other an hour earlier.


So please allow me, just for a brief moment, to be the Rabbi Melamed of the alcohol world, and hope that in this case too, the nation will see Prohibition refuseniks, vodka insubordination, and kiosk heroes who do not give up and insist on the right of citizens to continue getting drunk on the sidewalks.


פרסום ראשון: 12.26.09, 12:11
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