We need to build more
Photo: AP

Who needs another museum?

Instead of renovating old heritage sites we should focus on building in present

Renovating historic buildings along Israel's "Heritage Trail" seems more an effort to make up for anti/post Zionism than provide a meaningful Zionist perspective.


At a time when "the Zionist enterprise" is under attack from Arabs, Muslims and many in the international community, while PM Netanyahu instituted a unilateral prohibition of Jewish building in areas which Israel acquired in 1967, one wonders about the purpose of such projects, and whether they're worth it.

MKs Zvulun Orlev and Haim Amsalem have proposed yet another waste of money: a law that would restore “Beit Frumin,” the first building that housed the Knesset, in Jerusalem. Approved for its first reading last week by the Knesset Education, Culture, and Sports Committee, no one dares ask if it's necessary.


Allocating funds to rebuild the structure and turn it into yet another museum, at a time when budgets for schools and teachers are being slashed, makes no sense.


The Knesset in Jerusalem has an historical section with pictures. What more does one need?


And, if enough patriots feel that the site itself should be recognized, why wouldn't a simple sign on the outside be enough? As a tour guide, I have visited nearly every site that PM Netanyahu seeks to "refurbish." They don't need it. They need visitors, not better facilities. If you want more Israelis to enjoy these sites, provide better information and lower the cost.


Attempts to make a Zionist ethos thrilling and inspiring will not come from preserving buildings, but in building in the present, especially in places rooted in Jewish as well as Zionist heritage. The return of the Jewish People to its ancient homeland, the building of what has been called the Third Jewish Commonwealth, the commitment of Jews to Eretz Yisrael is our raison d'etre.


Heritage is not something acquired; it is something experienced because it is essential to one's existence. And, Zionist heritage is Jewish heritage.


It's time to engage in a national dialogue about the nature of Zionism. The Knesset is a central forum in which this can take place. But this is not enough. The entire political, social and economic system must participate.


Our Jewish and Zionist heritage is not only something of the past; it is the basis for our future. A simple and inexpensive way to instill pride in heritage sites would be through courses in high school.


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פרסום ראשון: 03.01.10, 16:22
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