More protests needed
Photo: Ofer Amram

Why are we silent?

Op-ed: Following Egypt protests, young Israelis should also hit streets, fight for their future

In recent weeks, in the face of the constant broadcasts from Cairo, I was preoccupied with a question that has to do with us here: How come that the Egyptians, who were silent for dozens of years and who are much less connected than us to Facebook and cell phones hit the streets to demand their rights, while we Israelis facing a constant barrage of taxes, price hikes and corruption are silent?


Indeed, we live in a state that contends with a daily war of survival and has faced numerous disasters, battles, and threats. At times it appears that in order to stay sane, the best move is to run the other way. Nonetheless, I could not remain indifferent after randomly meeting a group of 18-year-olds and asking if they too can envision themselves taking action and hitting the streets in order to protect their rights.


The answer was: "Each person should do what is right for them. In any case, nothing will come out of it."


I know now is the time for these teenagers to enjoy their lives and take full advantage of what life has to offer. Yet a situation whereby only reality shows like Big Brother can get people out of their homes is absurd and even worrying.


We, the "instant generation" as they like to refer to us, are accustomed to the amazing speed with which things come and go. We do not attribute any importance to the small things and want everything to be big, here and now; if possible, we want it on primetime TV.


We don't need to topple regime  

The time has come to wake up. The battle for the face of our country is our own to fight, and it needs to start today, not when we grow older. The struggle for social, economic, moral and political dignity is critical, even though we cannot vote on it using text messages as we do with reality shows.


The reports from Egypt are supposed to give us a push and inspire hope amongst us about the possibility of getting something when we want it. Fortunately, we do not have to topple the regime here. However, we do have to keep our eyes open to what is going on: The prices of bread, real estate, gas, and higher education will determine whether today's 18-year-olds will be able to live here in the future and make ends meet with dignity.


So hit the streets, friends; hit the public squares. The organization work can be undertaken on Facebook, yet your faces and your voices will do a much better job in the field. And you know what? Even if nothing comes out of it, we will prove – mostly to ourselves – that we care and that we have views, aspirations, and principles.


Harel Skaat is a singer and songwriter



פרסום ראשון: 02.17.11, 00:54
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