Yoaz Hendel

A senseless gesture

Op-ed: Given current circumstances, goodwill gesture to Abbas has no benefit whatsoever

The decision to hand over terrorist bodies to the Palestinian Authority needs to be examined in respect to the move’s benefit. Despite the bloody history and the pain that has remained etched in our memory, the identity of the terrorists is less significant. Bodies are bodies, and when there is nothing that can be done with them, as a moral state we should allow them to rot in the backyard of the people who sent them.


The assumption that terrorist graves will turn into pilgrimage sites is not relevant either. The Palestinian Authority produces incitement and hatred towards Jews regardless of the presence of martyrs’ graves. The only reason why we must not transfer the terrorist bodies to the Palestinians is the fact that this is senseless, and mostly because goodwill towards them has no benefit whatsoever.


It’s customary to say that in relations between peoples there is no room for emotions, only for interests. It may be unpleasant but that’s reality. States hate or like each other based on the needs of the hour. Nobody knows this better than us.


Hence, when the State of Israel makes a gesture, we must ask ourselves what’s the interest. Some will say, in a sort of Pavlovian reaction, that we need to boost the Palestinian Authority and grant peace a chance for the millionth time. The truth is far from there, Abbas is strong, and precisely for that reason he decided to take another path.


A brief reminder: In recent years we freed Palestinian detainees from our jails, handed over arms, and granted concessions to PA leaders. Why did we do it? Because it was an Israeli interest. Abbas kept the area quiet (not because of Zionist motives of course, but rather, because of his desire to survive) and the State of Israel benefited from his strengthening position.


Yet just like any process in the Middle East, this optimistic story also ended quickly. Olmert presented offers that were too generous, the Palestinians refused as usual, and a war on Israel’s legitimacy was officially launched.


Ranging from the statehood plan in September to support for “return flotillas,” Palestinian Authority officials insist on ensuring that the struggle is alive and kicking. Those who wish to contend with this reality would do well to avoid goodwill gestures, even if we are only talking about terrorist bodies.



פרסום ראשון: 07.05.11, 12:27
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