Photo: AFP
'At times like this, the democratic values common to the UK and Israel are clearer than ever'
Photo: AFP
Photo: Mati Milstein
British Ambassador to Israel Matthew Gould
Photo: Mati Milstein

Sharing election fever, sharing values

Op-ed: As both Israeli and British citizens go to the polls, they can be proud of their shared commitment to uphold democracy, the rule of law and equality under the law.

Seven weeks after you go to your elections, we go to ours. In both Israel and the United Kingdom, the political debate is in full flow. In both countries, the people are preparing to exercise their democratic right. In both countries, our free media plays its role in stoking and shaping the debate. In both countries, there is the full spectrum of politics and in both countries we are choosing our leaders, and national direction.



At times like this, the democratic values common to the UK and Israel are clearer than ever. The coincidence of your elections and ours brings out sharply our shared approach, from the freedom of the media to the rule of law to the sovereignty of the people. It is these values that make our societies democratic. They have their roots in an entangled and complex shared history. They are the foundation of the UK-Israel relationship.


As an ambassador who finds himself between two elections, it is moving and humbling, to feel democracy at work in both countries.


There are many similarities. We both have unwritten constitutions. Both Parliament and the Knesset are bastions of democracy, where vibrant and rigorous debate takes place. We have a separation of powers between the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. We have a system of checks and balances to hold government accountable. Our media is free, and provides a crucial channel of accountability.


The British public has admiration for Israel as a Jewish homeland in which all its citizens are treated equally. I know from my own experience that people are moved by the values of Israel's founders, and of Israel's founding documents - their commitment to the rule of law; their determination to treat all of Israel's citizens equally under the law.


British PM David Cameron at the Knesset, last year. 'A beacon of democracy to the region' (Photo courtesy of the Knesset)
British PM David Cameron at the Knesset, last year. 'A beacon of democracy to the region' (Photo courtesy of the Knesset)


When British Prime Minster David Cameron came to Israel a year ago, he paid tribute to our shared values. He said the Knesset was the heart of the State of Israel and a beacon of democracy to the region – and to the world. He expressed his support for "a country pledged to be fair and equal to all its citizens whether Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Arab or Druze."


As British ambassador to Israel, every day I am reminded of the links between our countries, in almost every area. Our courts share a common heritage, and both need to balance freedom with security. Our companies work increasingly closely; this year more companies from Israel listed on the London Stock Exchange than any other foreign country.


Not all the links are rooted in the past. In one important respect we have followed Israel – the 2010 UK election produced the first coalition government in Britain since 1940-45. This is a well trodden path for Israel, who understands better than anyone the challenges of coalition politics. In the UK we had to learn how to navigate this.


Prime Minister David Cameron commented on this at the Knesset. He said: "...I remember being quite bemused as I sat listening to Israeli politicians telling me all about the challenges of coalition politics. They told me about building a coalition, keeping it together, balancing the demands of different parties, sorting out the disputes and I just didn’t understand this strange system of government. But after nearly four years as prime minister of my own coalition all I can say is: 'Achshav ani mevin' (now I understand)."


Elections are a celebration of democracy, an affirmation of popular sovereignty, and an expression of the will of the people. As we both go to the polls we can be proud of our shared commitment to uphold democracy, the rule of law and equality under the law.


Matthew Gould is Britain's ambassador to Israel.


פרסום ראשון: 03.07.15, 14:21
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