Eitan Haber
Photo: Shalom Bar Tal

A decision-making fiasco

Op-ed: Body transfer fiasco raises disturbing questions about Israel’s decision-making process

A normal Israeli citizen, characterized by the media as “the man on the street,” reads newspapers, listens to the radio, watches television and asks himself and those around him: What’s going on up there? If this is how they manage a minor, rather insignificant matter like handing over terrorist bodies, how are truly important issues – matters of life and death – being handled?


And here’s the answer: This time, Israel’s leadership is not the only culprit – but…



When engaging in secret negotiations with the Palestinians, we should always take into account the fact that Hussein al-Sheikh, the Palestinian representative in the talks, is not a Zionist and does not bow to Herzl’s photo every morning.


Indeed, Mr. al-Sheikh is an enemy who would exploit every opportunity to embarrass the State of Israel and bring it down to its knees. What can we do? God granted us such neighbors.


Under such circumstances, we must take into account the possibility of a surprising, embarrassing publication. What does that mean? We should prepare by handing over a uniform response text to all parties involved, and if possible, something that would embarrass our Palestinian neighbors. At the end of the day, it is us, Israelis, who are doing them a favor and making a gesture. Besides, they are not getting great treasures here.


Mr. al-Sheikh leaked the story and caught Israel off guard. The problem was not the Palestinian report, but rather, the series of Israeli reactions: Each government body shifted this hot potato to another body, creating an embarrassing impression of a mess. It seemed that one hand doesn’t know what the other is doing.


Let’s hope for the best

So we had the IDF Central Command, the government coordinator in the territories, the Shin Bet, the defense minister, the national security advisor, the prime minister and the IDF’s spokesman embroiled in this great chaos. And what for? The return of bodies.


Now, the Palestinians shall be paying the price. They stirred up all the Israeli genies that will object to returning not only bodies. You want a gesture to the Palestinians? Bibi Netanyahu can go ahead and invite Abbas for coffee in the prime minister’s Caesarea backyard on Saturday.


Ages ago, Shakespeare wrote Much Ado About Nothing. We can say this is roughly what’s going on here too. Yet if we are facing such mess in respect to a decision-making process on the return of bodies, how do officials up there decide on bombing nuclear reactors, for example?


Let’s hope for the best, and pray for the best.



פרסום ראשון: 07.06.11, 12:39
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