Court orders unvaccinated teaching assistant banned from school

Special education teacher refuses to show a negative coronavirus test on a regular basis; judge's decision is first ruling in the matter claiming health of students, their families and other staff members comes first
Sivan Hilaie|
The Tel Aviv Regional Labor Court Sunday ruled that an unvaccinated teaching assistant from central Israel could not return to work and will not continue to receive pay.
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  • Both Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit and the Health Ministry have said that unvaccinated workers should not be allowed to physically return to their place of work unless they present a negative coronavirus test on a regular basis. which the special education teaching assistant refused to do.
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    מתחסנים בראשון לציון
    מתחסנים בראשון לציון
    A teacher vaccinated against coronvirus
    (Photo: Moti Kimchi)
    Since there is no legislation in place yet, Judge Meirav Klieman's verdict will serve as a test case in similar cases that will come before the courts.
    "At this time we do not believe that the applicant's apparent rights outweigh her right and duty to care for the welfare of her students, their families and educational staff," Klieman wrote in her .
    Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, head of Public Health Services in the Health Ministry, said unvaccinated people entering their work place, "may pose a significant risk to the public receiving service in these facilities."
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    ד"ר שרון אלרעי פרייס
    ד"ר שרון אלרעי פרייס
    Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, head of public health in the Health Ministry
    (Photo: Shahar Goldstein)
    Alroy-Preis added that they must at least present a negative coronavirus test.
    "I am happy that the court ruled that the right to life outweighs the teaching assistant's right to dignity and respect," Yuval Arad, head of the Kokhav Ya'ir Tzur Yigal Council said. The teaching assistant is employed in an elementary school in his community.
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