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Chilling footage captures settler boy's killer lurking for next victim

Security footage from near Malachei Hashalom Farm in West Bank shows Ahmed Dawabsha pacing with a knife, waiting for a Jewish passerby after murdering 14-year-old goat herder Binyamin Achimeir

In a disturbing revelation, security camera footage has captured the moments following the brutal murder of 14-year-old goat herder Binyamin Achimeir near the Malachei Hashalom Farm in the West Bank. The video shows terrorist Ahmed Dawabsha, clad in a coat and brandishing a knife, prowling the farm entrance and seemingly waiting for another victim.
This footage, taken about three hours post-murder, was unveiled on Thursday morning during a Subcommittee on Judea and Samaria Affairs session chaired by MK Tzvi Sukkot, with Benjamin's father in attendance.
Ahmed Dawabsha lurking near the farm before killing Binyamin Achimeir

Binyamin's father, alongside representatives from the Binyamin Regional Council, the police, the IDF, the Canine Unit, and volunteers who discovered Benjamin's body, spoke at the session. MK Tzvi Sukkot emphasized, "Today's discussion is aimed at understanding the chain of failures and developing organized procedures for locating missing persons in Judea and Samaria. The footage showing the terrorist casually wandering with a knife, waiting for his next victim, highlights a significant lapse. Real-time release of this footage could have expedited many processes."
Deputy Head of the Binyamin Regional Council, Amichai Rachamim, stressed the importance of improving territorial control. "The settlement and the army are intertwined in routine and emergency situations. Establishing observation command centers is crucial to prevent future murders," he said. "The terrorist in the footage, with a knife in hand, aimed to kill as many Jews as possible. He is emboldened by a supportive environment. The security system must act decisively to deter such attacks."
Achimeir was reported missing on Friday, April 12, after the herd he was looking after returned to the farm without him. Recognizing the potential nationalistic motivation, numerous forces from the IDF, Border Police, and Shin Bet were immediately dispatched to investigate. Special IDF units, along with many volunteers, initiated a thorough search.
Tragically, Benjamin's body, a resident of Jerusalem, was found on Saturday afternoon near the Malachei Hashalom outpost by an IDF drone. He was discovered approximately 110 yards from the farm entrance, surrounded by his personal belongings and a weapon used in the attack. Concurrently, violent riots erupted in nearby Palestinian villages, resulting in several Palestinian casualties and houses being set ablaze.
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תיעוד: המחבל שרצח את הנער בנימין אחימאיר ז"ל אוחז בסכין לפני הפיגוע
תיעוד: המחבל שרצח את הנער בנימין אחימאיר ז"ל אוחז בסכין לפני הפיגוע
With a knife in his hand, Dawabsha waits for his next victim
Prime Minister Netanyahu responded to the discovery with a stern announcement. "IDF and Shin Bet forces are relentlessly pursuing the vile murderers and their accomplices. We will bring them to justice as we do with anyone who harms Israeli citizens." Shortly after, Netanyahu retracted his unusual Saturday announcement but reiterated, "IDF, Shin Bet, and Israel Police are conducting intensive operations throughout the area. I urge all Israeli citizens to allow the security forces to perform their duties without interference, ensuring we swiftly bring the perpetrators to account."
Initial suspicions indicated that Achimeir, who worked as a shepherd, was murdered after leaving the farm in the morning and not returning, although the herd he led did. A joint statement from the defense establishment confirmed Achimeir "was murdered in a terrorist attack," prompting a manhunt for the suspects. After a 10-day manhunt, Yamam Counterterrorism forces apprehended 21-year-old terrorist Ahmed Dawabsha, who confessed to the murder during his initial interrogation.
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