Gulf allies worried Israeli government with Ben Gvir could sour ties

Abu Dhabi worried naming far-right firebrand minister would embarrass them and may make future cooperation with Jerusalem more difficult; Netanyahu reportedly in the know
Itamar Eichner|
Israel’s Arabian Gulf allies are worried about the prospect of an Israeli government that may include far-right firebrand Itamar Ben Gvir after next week’s general election, Ynet learned on Wednesday.
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  • Senior officials in the United Arab Emirates recently said in closed conversations with Israeli peers that the possibility of Itamar Ben Gvir sitting in the next government as a minister embarrasses them, and may make future cooperation with Israel more difficult.
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    איתמר בן גביר
    איתמר בן גביר
    Itamar Ben Gvir
    (Photo: EPA)
    A senior Emirati official said that "if there is an extreme government in Israel, with fiery rhetoric, it may make it difficult to continue strengthening the relationship between the countries."
    Emirati officials do not voice such concerns publicly or in official meetings, but they understand that after next week’s elections, the relationship with Israel may face a hurdle.
    Axios reporter Barak Ravid said on Twitter that the Emiratis had made their concerns known to opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu.
    “Emirati Foreign Minister Abdullah Bin Zayed told Israeli opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu he is concerned about the possibility of ultra-right extremists being included in a new government if he wins the upcoming elections,” he wrote.
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    עבדאללה בן זאיד
    עבדאללה בן זאיד
    Emirati Foreign Minister Abdullah Bin Zayed lays a wreath in Ohel Yizkor Memorial Hall at Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum
    (Photo: Yad Vashem)
    Last month, Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed arrived in Tel Aviv on an official visit to mark two years after the signing of the Abraham Accords.
    He met with Prime Minister Yair Lapid, President Isaac Herzog, opposition leader Netanyahu and Defense Minister Benny Gantz.
    Ben Zaid also visited Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum and laid a wreath in Ohel Yizkor Memorial Hall. This was the first time an Emirati foreign minister visited the place.
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