Reservist calls for mutiny against IDF, Defense Minister, PM's son shares clip

Masked man in uniform appearing to speak from Gaza says in viral video reservists will only obey Netanyahu, tells PMs opponents 'we will show you how real Jews win'

The IDF said on Saturday that an investigation has been launched into a video clip that has spread on social media, showing a masked man claiming to be a soldier in the reserves, calling to disobey IDF and Defense Ministry orders and be loyal only to the prime minister.
The clip was shared by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's son who has been residing in Miami since last year and has evoked criticizm for not returning to Israel and participating in the war effort.
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סרטון המרדה חיילי מילואים
סרטון המרדה חיילי מילואים
Call for mutiny spreads on social media by Netanyahu supporter
(Photo: Yedidia Hamami)
According to the military, Chief of Military Staff Herzi Halevi instructed commanders to immediately discuss the matter with their troops. "The behavior exhibited in the clip is a grave violation of IDF orders and its moral code," the IDF spokesperson said in a statement.
"We the reserve troops do not intend to give the keys to any Palestinian Authority," the man wearing an IDF uniform and appearing to be in Gaza, said n the viral video. "We do not intend to give the keys to Gaza to any Hamas, Fatah or other Arab entity. Prime Minister, the reservists are behind you and will remain here until victory," he said.
Directing his words at Defense Minister Yoav Gallant he said: "You cannot win the war or command us. I inform you Mr. Gallant – If we do not continue to victory, 100,000 reservists will remain on the border and call on Israelis to come to Gaza under our protection. We listen to one leader only, not the Defense Minister and not the chief of staff. Only the prime minister."
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פפראצי יאיר נתניהו במיאמי
פפראצי יאיר נתניהו במיאמי
Yair Netanyahu in Miami
He went on to say that Israelis were not raped and murdered in vain. "We want victory," he said. He then repeated accusations made by allies of Netanyahu during the protests against his government's attempt to weaken the judiciary, in the months leading up to the war. "You wanted a military coup? We will show you how real Jews win."
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