Two Israelis indicted over communication with Gaza terrorists

Shin Bet and Israel Police say the suspects, from Bedouin community in south, were arrested last month after they agreed to transfer funds and weapons to a third party from a Gaza-based terror group
Yoav Zitun|
Two Israelis from a Bedouin community in the south were indicted over contact with terrorists in the Gaza Strip, security officials said Sunday.
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  • The prosecution described the charges as "serious security offenses," which had been uncovered in a joint operation of the Shin Bet and Israel Police.
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    סעד אבו רקייק סמאח אלנבארי
    Sa'ad abu Rekayek, Samah alnabari indicted for serious security offenses
    The men were identified as 20-year-old Sa'ad abu Rekayek from the Negev town of Tel Sheva and 21-year-old Samah Alnabari from the city of Hura.
    The two were arrested last month after they established contact with an operative from a Gaza-based terror group, and had carried out missions for the faction, including a transfer of funds.
    According to the indictments, one of the men agreed to assist in transporting a weapon to an operative of the group.
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    "In arresting and questioning the two men, security officials were able to learn how the Gaza-based terror groups continues to enlist citizens of Israel to do their bidding and carry out acts of terror," the Shin Bet and the police said in a joint statement.
    "The Shin Bet and Israel Police view the affinity of Israelis to terror activity gravely, and will continue to take steps to thwart such actions."
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