Israel to set up special polling stations at Ben Gurion Airport, stadiums

Central Elections Committee says it will to erect hundreds of polling stations meant for coronavirus patients and those in self-isolation across the country, as well a special shuttle service in order to reduce the risk of exposure
Sivan Hilaie|
Israel will set up hundreds of polling stations intended for coronavirus carriers and those in isolation, including at Ben Gurion Airport and across some of the country's stadiums.
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  • Israelis will vote for the fourth time in less than two years on March 23.
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    בחירות 2021 קלפי קלפיות צה"ל מצביעים הצבעה
    Israel is preparing for the March 23 elections
    (Photo: AP)
    Central Elections Committee Director Orly Adas said during Thursday's briefing that 349 dedicated polling stations will be set up solely for COVID patients, while another 409 will be erected for Israelis in self-isolation.
    Among the locations where the polling stations will be set up are Teddy Stadium in Jerusalem, Ramat Gan Stadium and Netanya Stadium, Shlomo Group Arena in Tel Aviv, as well as many parking lots, including the Beit Dagan Cemetery parking lot.
    In addition, in order to avoid a situation where coronavirus patients wander outside their homes on the way to the polls, the committee will provide free shuttle, which will take verified carriers to and from the dedicated polling stations.
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    אורלי עדס
    אורלי עדס
    Central Elections Committee Director Orly Adas
    (Photo: Anat Kazula)
    The Elections Committee is also working to provide transportation solutions for those self-isolating at home who do not own a private vehicle.
    The committee will also set up some 547 polling stations at nursing homes and assisted living facilities, which will allow the elderly to vote without risking exposure to the virus.
    It is currently estimated that a total of about 15,000 polling stations will be set up throughout the country.
    "We are on the home stretch,” said Adas. “I did not expect this amount of uncertainty to continue until the last days before the elections, but here we are. We are still making preparations despite being only a few days before the election - it has not happened to us before."
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    בחירות 2021: איך יצביעו מבודדים וחולי קורונה
    A special polling station for coronavirus patients
    (Photo: Chaim Levi)
    Adas added the decision to open up polling stationg in Ben Gurion Airport was prompted, among other things, by the High Court's decision to ban the travel limits set by the government, and the consequent increase of travelerss expected at the airport on the day of the elections.
    The committee director further said that drones will be used to locate overcrowding at the polling stations, which will facilitate a more accurate allocation of resources and manpower.
    According to Adas, due to the expected long lines at the polling stations, the results of the elections will most likely take longer to come in.
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    נמל התעופה בן גוריון נתב"ג שומם אחרי סגירתו מחשש ל מוטציה מוטציות קורונה
    נמל התעופה בן גוריון נתב"ג שומם אחרי סגירתו מחשש ל מוטציה מוטציות קורונה
    Secial polling stations will be set up in Ben Gurion Airport due to expected heavy traffic
    (Photo: AP)
    "I think it will take a little longer,” said Adas. "I estimate that by Wednesday morning (March 24), we will be able to count about 60%-70% of the results from all over the country.”
    The committee has also decided to place an inspector at each of the polling stations to ensure the purity of the elections is maintained. Overall, about 15,000 inspectors will be stationed all across the country.
    Adas also dismissed the accusations that the Central Elections Committee is biased, and therefore is trying to skew the results.
    “I think that the Central Elections Committee has demonstrated exceptional operational capabilities, and that all the claims made so far have no base in reality."
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