850 גג

IDF inaugurates new Iron Dome battalion amid war

Military announces establishment of IDF Aerial Defense Array's 139th Battalion in charge of operating advanced anti-air defense systems

The IDF announced this week the inauguration of the Aerial Defense Array's 139th Battalion, now operating Iron Dome batteries as part of the Israeli Air Force (IAF).
The inauguration ceremony was attended by IAF Commanding Officer Maj. Gen. Tomer Bar, Aerial Defense Array Commander Brig. Gen. Gilad Biran, 139th Battalion Commander Lt. Col. Tom Ironi and other senior IAF military officials and staff.
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139th Battalion ceremony
139th Battalion ceremony
139th Battalion inauguration ceremony
(Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
"The battalion was reopened after previously operating the Hawk and Patriot aerial defense systems before closing down in 2021 after approximately 53 years of action. During the war, and due to operational necessity, it was decided to reopen the battalion, and it will now operate the Iron Dome Aerial Defense System," the military said in a statement.
"As part of conclusions made during the war, the operational necessity arose to divide the command areas in a way that would allow for tailored combat management for the different operational areas. The establishment of the battalion will enable the expansion of the Iron Dome batteries' deployment and improve the defensive array."
“For over seven months, the soldiers of the Aerial Defense Array have been engaged in a multi-front defensive war that is unprecedented in scope. Israel is one of just a few countries in the world that possesses such sophisticated and expansive air defense systems, operated by such high-quality people. Alongside the strong defense, we are operating offensively, denying Hezbollah its capabilities, shoulder-to-shoulder with the Northern Command," Maj. Gen. Bar said during the ceremony.
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139th Battalion ceremony
139th Battalion ceremony
Maj. Gen. Tomer Bar
(Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
"Together, we will know how to expand and intensify the offensive if required. It will be an offensive with massive firepower, which will remove threats and allow for a change in the security reality in the north. We have trained for this. The force is prepared for this.”
“The establishment of the battalion is part of a significant process of transformation and build-up, led by the Israeli Air Force, during the war, aimed at strengthening the air defense of our home – the individual home of each and every one of those standing here before me, and the national home of the Jewish people in Israel," Brig. Gen. Biran said.
"Even at this hour, the command’s personnel, across the length and breadth of the country, are standing firm and alert to defend the nation's skies from any enemy threatening its sovereignty and to protect those who look up to us, in whose name and on whose behalf we act. We will continue to stand guard, as long as required, until all missions are completed.”
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סוללת כיפת ברזל ליד אשקלון
סוללת כיפת ברזל ליד אשקלון
Iron Dome battery
(Photo: REUTERS/Hannah McKay)
“Although the battalion's new path officially begins today, even during the period of its inception, in the midst of the war, we took a significant and historic part in the operation," Lt. Col. Tom Ironi added.
"The battalion's personnel received new weapon systems, deployed them on the front lines, intercepted enemy aerial threats, and demonstrated fighting spirit, initiative, and professionalism, as expected and customary from the soldiers of the 139th Battalion. It is our destiny to build our spirit, to equip ourselves, while fulfilling the mission, protecting the people, defending our home, and achieving victory, which will surely come.”
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