850 גג

IDF names soldier killed in action in northern Gaza

Staff Sergeant Sahar Sudaei, 20, of Givati Brigade's 435th Battalion, from Tel Aviv falls in battle; special forces soldier seriously wounded in southern Gaza

The IDF reported Sunday evening that Staff Sergeant Sahar Sudaei, 20, a soldier of the Givati Brigade's 435th Battalion, from Tel Aviv, was killed in battle in the northern Gaza Strip.
Additionally, a reservist from the LOTAR Eilat counterterrorism unit was seriously wounded in combat in the southern Gaza Strip. "The soldier was evacuated to a hospital for medical treatment, and his family has been notified," the army's statement read.
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סמ"ר סהר סודאי ז"ל
סמ"ר סהר סודאי ז"ל
Staff Sergeant Sahar Sudaei
(Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
Earlier Sunday, the IDF reported that Staff Sergeant Betzalel Zvi Kovach, 20, a soldier in the Netzah Yehuda Battalion of the Kfir Brigade, from Jerusalem, succumbed to his wounds after being critically wounded in battle in northern Gaza's Beit Hanoun last Wednesday.
The army said that the circumstances of his injury are under investigation, including the possibility of friendly fire.
The IDF death toll since the outbreak of the war on October 7 has reached 636, and 283 in the ground offensive in Gaza.
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