'Biden is a catastrophe': staunch Israel supporter Nikki Haley will tour ravaged communities

Nearly 3 months after stepping out of presidential race and criticizing both Trump and Biden, Washington's former UN envoy will tour southern and northern Israeli communities

Nikki Haley, a former U.S. ambassador to the UN and a fervent advocate for Israel, is set to visit Israel next Monday.
Haley, who recently exited the U.S. presidential race, has stirred the political pot by announcing her support for former President Donald Trump in the upcoming November elections. This comes after a period of sharp criticism directed at Trump, and rumors are swirling that he might even extend an offer to be his running mate.
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דרום קרוליינה ארה"ב ניקי היילי הצהרה פרשה מהמרוץ הרפובליקני לנשיאות
דרום קרוליינה ארה"ב ניקי היילי הצהרה פרשה מהמרוץ הרפובליקני לנשיאות
Nikki Haley
(Photo: AP Photo/Chris Carlson)
During her visit, Haley plans to tour the volatile regions near Gaza and the northern communities, engaging with key political figures. Accompanying her will be MK Danny Danon, her former counterpart at the UN and a veteran diplomat.
Known for her unwavering support of the Jewish state, the former presidential hopeful has often been described as the country's staunchest ally at the UN. Her tenure was marked by fierce advocacy, sometimes at the expense of American interests and her own reputation. Haley's outspoken defense of Israel has been a constant.
Last December, she suggested, "The Palestinians should go to the Rafah crossing, and Egypt should let them in. They should be sent to Qatar, Iran, Turkey—these pro-Hamas countries. Instead of the world demanding from Israel, which has endured the worst attack since the Holocaust, why aren’t demands made on these countries?"
In her previous statements, Haley has not shied away from calling out Iran for destabilizing the region and criticizing the international media for its scrutiny of Israel's self-defense measures. She has also lambasted the UN for what she perceives as a disproportionate focus on Israel.
"An organization with 193 countries spending half its time attacking one country is unacceptable. Our demand is for peace. The UN's bias has created a false illusion that Israel will disappear one day," she said.
In her first public appearance since stepping down from the presidential race, Haley reflected on her time under Trump, acknowledging his flaws but sharply contrasting him with President Biden, whom she labeled a "catastrophe."
At the Hudson Institute, she candidly declared, "Trump wasn't perfect, but Biden has been a disaster. So, I will vote for Trump." She also extended gratitude to her loyal supporters, suggesting, "It would be wise for Trump to reach out to the millions who voted for me and continue to support me—rather than automatically assuming they will just vote for him."
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ארה"ב דונלד טראמפ ניקי היילי
ארה"ב דונלד טראמפ ניקי היילי
Will Trump name her as his running mate?
(Photo: AP Photo, File)
Haley's journey has been tumultuous. She has not held back her criticisms of Trump, at one point stating, "I know the American people will not vote for a convicted felon." She also remarked, "Republicans know what a disaster Trump was and will continue to be; they are just afraid to speak the truth," and described Trump as "everything I taught my children not to do in kindergarten."
Despite Trump's past derogatory comments about Haley, calling her names including "bird brain," recent reports suggest a thaw in their relationship. American media have hinted that Trump is considering Haley as his vice-presidential pick, having removed her from his "blacklist."
Haley's campaign journey saw her becoming the last of Trump's primary rivals to stay in the race, consistently securing about 25 percent of the vote. Even after her withdrawal, her support remained strong in the remaining primaries.
Her decision to exit the race came in early March, right after a disappointing Super Tuesday, where Trump dominated, winning 14 out of 15 states. Following her withdrawal, President Joe Biden reached out to her supporters, inviting them to join his campaign against Trump. Praising Haley for her courage in speaking out against Trump, Biden said, "Trump made it clear he does not want Nikki Haley's voters. I want to make it clear: they have a place in my campaign."
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