850 גג

AG, state attorney say ICC 'lacks any authority' after arrest warrant request

Gali Baharav-Miara and Amit Isman issue joint statement following international court's decision to issue arrest warrants against Netanyahu and Gallant, dissuading action on officials

Tova Zimuki|
Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara and State Attorney Amit Isman issued a joint statement on Wednesday following the International Criminal Court's (ICC) motion to pursue arrest warrants against Israel's prime and defense ministers, saying, "the court lacks any authority to hold an investigation on the matter."
Shortly after ICC Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan made the dramatic request to issue arrest warrants against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for a series of alleged war crimes, Israeli officials rejected the demands, saying the international body lacks any authority to do so.
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גלי בהרב מיארה ועמית איסמן בכנס של משרד המשפטים
גלי בהרב מיארה ועמית איסמן בכנס של משרד המשפטים
Amit Isman and Gali Baharav-Miara
(Photo: Motti Kimchi)
"On October 8, the State of Israel began fighting a war that was forced on it," Baharav-Miara and Isman wrote in their joint statement. "Israel is a democratic state that fights terrorism and defends its security while adhering to the obligatory legal requirements and with a deep commitment to the law. Israel's security forces, including the IDF, fight with full commitment and adherence to international law."
"Israel's State Attorney's Office thoroughly examines any serious allegations of legal violations by any Israeli officials and enforces the law. The Israeli legal system is equipped to investigate any serious claims, both regarding matters of policy as well as specific cases," the statement added.
"As Israel has clarified over the years, the international court lacks any authority to hold an investigation on the matter. In any case, the ICC's request to issue arrest warrants against the prime minister and defense minister is baseless."
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קארים חאן
קארים חאן
ICC Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan
(Photo: International Criminal Court)
The prime minister said Tuesday following Khan's ruling that he "is callously pouring gasoline on the fires of antisemitism that are raging across the world. Mr. Khan also sets a dangerous precedent that undermines every democracy’s right to defend itself against terror organizations and aggressors. The ICC has no jurisdiction over Israel and Mr. Khan’s actions will not stop us from waging our just war against Hamas."
Netanyahu, in an interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday, said of the announcement by the ICC chief prosecutor requesting an arrest warrant against him that it is "absurd," and casts a "'terrible stain' on the court."
Netanyahu said, "We are supplying now nearly half of the water of Gaza. We supplied only 7% before the war. This is completely opposite of what he's saying. He's saying we're starving people?"
He added, "We have supplied half a million tons of food and medicine with 20,000 trucks. This guy is out to demonize Israel. He's doing a hit job." Netanyahu was also asked about the possibility of not being able to travel abroad, and he replied: "I'm not worried."
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