Police, pilgrims clash at Mount Meron as access restricted due to security concerns

Hundreds force their way into military-restricted zone amid recurring Hezbollah attacks; violent clashes lead to suspension of officers pending investigation

Clashes erupted on Sunday between police and hundreds of pilgrims who arrived to take part in Lag BaOmer festivities at Mount Meron. The northern Israel site has been restricted due to recurring Hezbollah attacks toward the area.
"In the past few hours, hundreds of lawbreakers began clashing with officers at the Tomb of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, resulting in 19 officers being evacuated for medical treatment," a police statement read.
Police, pilgrims clash at Mount Meron as site restricted due to security concerns
(Video: Israel Police )

Additionally, thousands of people had reportedly arrived at the site since the morning hours, violating the law, clashing with officers and causing property damage. Around 1,000 people were removed, and thousands more were blocked.
Footage from the scene shows an officer forcefully pushing a man. The police stated that they view this incident seriously and that the officer involved has been "suspended from duty pending an investigation."
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תיעוד: אלימות משטרתית כלפי חרדים בהר מירון
תיעוד: אלימות משטרתית כלפי חרדים בהר מירון
First responders treat pilgrim hurt in clashes with police forces
(Photo: From social media)
In additional footage from the scene, a police officer is seen pushing and kicking a woman, while another clip shows medical teams treating an unconscious person lying on the ground after being beaten by officers.
Meanwhile, the police released footage of officers injured in the clashes, stating that all incidents will be investigated and "lessons will be learned accordingly."
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שוטרים פצועים לאחר עימותים בהר מירון
שוטרים פצועים לאחר עימותים בהר מירון
Policeman receives treatment after Meron clashes
(Photo: Israel Police)
National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir announced that he spoke with Border Police Commander Brigadier General Brik Yitzhak and agreed that the Border Police officers documented acting violently against Haredim in Meron "will be suspended pending an investigation."
According to the minister's statement, this includes "an officer who brutally slammed an elderly man to the ground, an officer who fired into the air, and a female officer who hit an elderly woman."
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