From TV to Tweets: Where do Israelis get their news from?

Patterns emerge in Israel's news consumption, as a majority rely on TV, while 42% turn to Israeli news websites and only 15% turn to social networks; Social networks, while popular, face a reliability challenge among Israelis, whereas radio garners trust from almost half the country
The Israel Central Bureau of Statistics' 2022 survey on media and social network attitudes revealed that Israelis aged 20 and above primarily gather news from television (47%) and Israeli news websites (42%). Around 15% rely on social networks, 11.5% prefer the radio, 7.5% are content with discussions among friends, and 5% pay no mind to current events.
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Released on Wednesday, the survey further indicates that although social networks are widespread, they are perceived as less dependable compared to traditional communication methods. About 28% of Israelis find social networks somewhat or very reliable, in contrast to 48% who trust the radio and 44% who view television and newspapers as credible sources.
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Popular, but unreliable
(Photo: shutterstock)
News consumption via television rises with age: A third of 20-44 year-olds use it, while 54% of 45-64 year-olds and 74% of 65+ year-olds do. A similar pattern exists for printed press: 6.1% of 20-64 year-olds read newspapers for news, compared to 15% of those aged 65+.
Almost half the population (49%) thinks online news can replace traditional media like newspapers, TV, and radio. Of this, 24% are very convinced and 25% somewhat. Conversely, 44% believe online news can't replace traditional broadcasts, and 7% were unsure.
The survey also explored public views on Israeli media's reliability and diversity of opinions. About 35% trust traditional communication sources for dependable information, whereas 60% responded negatively. For diverse viewpoints, 44% believe traditional media offers this, and 19% think it's unbiased from political or commercial influence, contrasting with 73%. Trust in media varies: 29% of Arabs find them reliable compared to 36% of Jews.
The Statistics Bureau also examined public opinion about government influence on public broadcasting due to its funding. Around 66% feel funding shouldn't affect content, while 26% think the government should somewhat or greatly influence content.
What do Israelis think about how the media shows what's happening in the country? A quarter of all Israelis think the media portrays things the way they really are, while half believe it makes things look worse. Only 13% think the media shows things as better than they are.
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Have fun, but don't rely on it for news
(Photo: Sergei Elagin /
The survey also looked into how often people join online discussions about current topics. Around 74% said they don't get involved in such discussions through commenting on articles, the internet, social media, or blogs. About 17% do take part, but not very often. And 8.2% don't use the internet at all.
About 20% have witnessed or personally faced hate speech, violent content, or threats targeting individuals on social media quite often. Around 17% encounter such instances now and then, 11% do so infrequently, and 43% either don't experience these issues or aren't active on social platforms. Among internet users, 29% worry about actively joining discussions due to these issues, while 34% choose not to participate in discussions for various reasons.
Since 2002, the CBS has been conducting an annual social survey. In 2022, the survey delved into the effects of the COVID-19 crisis on employment, society, and the economy, alongside examining religious influence, democratic evaluations in Israel, and perceptions of communication. The 2022 social survey involved interviews with 6,501 individuals aged 20 and above, representing approximately 8.5 million within this age range. Interviews took place from January 2022 to January 2023.
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