Netanyahu and Gantz should grow up

Opinion: The public is tired of politicians' slogans, excuses and arguments, but most of all the public is tired of the political stalemate and the threat of a fourth election cycle since April 2019; someone needs to step up and lead
Ben-Dror Yemini|
Honorable and not so honorable politicians, I would like to tell you something your close advisers are not telling you: We have grown tired of you.
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  • Regardless of who you are and whether you are from the right, the left or the center, you should know that we the public are feeling nothing but contempt for your silly games.
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    Benny Gantz (left) and Benjamin Netanyahu (right) with Supreme Court Chief Justice Esther Hayut
    Benny Gantz (left) and Benjamin Netanyahu (right) with Supreme Court Chief Justice Esther Hayut
    Benny Gantz (left) and Benjamin Netanyahu (right) with Supreme Court Chief Justice Esther Hayut
    (Photo: AP)
    Most of us in the public do not believe you are "protecting principles" or "keeping your promises to the voters."
    Neither Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his right-wing and religious bloc, which has forced us into political limbo for more than a year, nor Blue & White leader Benny Gantz and his political partners have shown any willingness to form a unity government.
    Spare us your excuses. I am sure you think they prove you right, but save them for the people who follow you blindly and cheer you on your road to nowhere.
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    תומכי הליכוד בגני בתערוכה בערב בחירות 2020
    תומכי הליכוד בגני בתערוכה בערב בחירות 2020
    Benjamin Netanyahu's supporters celebrate after the March 2020 elections
    (Photo: Assaf Tamir)
    You both have friends and advisers who neglect to tell you the simple truth, which is that we don't care.
    Israel perhaps more than any other country needs a dependable and stable government, one that has won the public's trust.
    We cannot afford another narrow government that will look out for its own survival and not the interests of the country.
    Hatred and personal boycotts will get us nowhere. We are done with them. It is time for you to grow up.
    Three former military chiefs are not leftist traitors, as politicians on the right have claimed about Gantz, Gabi Ashkenazi and Moshe Ya'alon, and Netanyahu cannot be compared with Turkey's autocratic President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, as people on the left have said.
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    כנס כחול לבן בתל אביב
    כנס כחול לבן בתל אביב
    Benny Gantz supporters rally in Tel Aviv
    (Photo: Moti Kimchi)
    Both sides should climb off their high horses and find a way to join forces.
    President Reuven Rivlin could be called upon to help bring you together. He has tried before and could and in fact should make the effort again.
    Someone, somewhere has to assume the role of responsible adult.
    This is not the time to "stick to your guns," it is time to think of the good of the country.
    The first one of you to reach out to his opponent to begin discussing unity will be rewarded by a grateful public.
    Honorable politicians, your short-term political trickery will come back to bite you. If you put the country first, you will be well served in the long run.
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