This monologue was delivered by former Sky News correspondent Erin Molan during her appearance in the ILTV News studio.
I didn’t need to come to Israel in person to believe…
To see evidence firsthand of the unthinkable atrocities committed on October 7…
To hear firsthand what survivors were forced to endure…
To feel firsthand the ground shake as bombs explode nearby…
To convince myself that I’m on the right side of history…
I already know that I am…
But I’m so glad that I came… because even in my pre-existing state of unwavering conviction…
I underestimated the level of depravity…
The extent of the evil that occurred…
The caliber of enemy that surrounds this tiny democratic nation fighting desperately for its life…
I had read and seen and heard… but I couldn’t fully comprehend… until now…
I stood inside the room where three beautiful little children—two my daughter’s age—watched their parents being murdered before suffocating and burning to death themselves…
I walked where thousands of innocent young people ran for their lives at a music festival devoted to peace…
I watched the raw footage from October 7… all of it…
A dad desperately trying to save his two young boys… sprinting with them away from terrorists… before being killed in front of their eyes… then witnessed their shock, fear, and trauma… while the killers casually rummaged through their fridge like nothing had happened…
I watched the sadistic beheading of a young Israeli man… hacking—again and again and again…
I stepped onto the porch where two babies were kidnapped and still remain in Gaza—their toys lying untouched for hundreds of days…
But do you know what cripples me more than anything… what scares me even more than what they did?
Their reaction… in real time…
That’s what I can’t comprehend—no matter how hard I try…
The glee… the joy… the pure elation at what they were doing…
The sick laughter and cheering when an innocent teenage girl was shot in the back…
Their actions on that day were evil personified—but their reactions to it were even worse…
The enemy of Israel, the Jewish people, and let’s be frank—all of us who believe in life and freedom and peace—they are not human.
They can’t be.
It is not possible.
You cannot co-exist—ever—with the people I watched carry out October 7.
None of us can… and unless we figure that out, as a world, and quickly, then it’s only a matter of time before we see October 7 over and over again… but next time… it will be in our own backyard…