Over 500 homes in north, damaged in Hezbollah fire

Mayor says Israel must launch offensive to remove risk to border communities from Iran-backed terror group increasingly using heavy missiles able to destroy buildings
More than 500 homes and buildings were damaged from Hezbollah fire since the war began. Most suffered relatively little damage, caused by shrapnel or blast wave, others were completely destroyed - according to data collected by authorities, mapping the impact to dozens of communities on the northern border.
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Hezbollah began using heavy missiles in the past week, including Burkan and Falk 1. One community to suffer greatly from that is Shlomi in the Western Galilee, where last weekend, some 50 homes were damaged when Burkan missiles targeted a nearby military post. "The use of Burkan missiles is more frequent and we are in real danger," Shlomi Mayor Gabi Neeman, said.
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פגיעת רקטה בשלומי
פגיעת רקטה בשלומי
Damage caused in a Hezbollah rocket attack on Shlomi
(Photo: EPA)
Burkan is a short-range heavy rocket, able to carry a powerful warhead and cause substantial damage. It was added to Hezbollah's arsenal in November according to the Iran-backed terror group. "Such a missile that lands in a populated area, can destroy entire buildings, Neeman said. "I expected that after four months of the IDF fighting Hezbollah, we would not be under such fire. Its time for the military to go into Lebanon and demonstrate its force."
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תיעוד מנפילת הרקטה בשלומי
תיעוד מנפילת הרקטה בשלומי
Burkan missile lands in upper Galilee
One building that was damaged from the missile was the local falafel joint just recently opened after being renovated. "I heard the explosion all the way to Nahariya but when I looked at the security cameras, everything seemed ok. Only when I arrived to open up on Sunday, I realized the roof had caved in from the blast," owner Yoni Baleli said. "If this had happened on a week day, we would be in an entirely different situation. I intend to open for business again," he said stubbornly.
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בתי עסק בצפון שנפגעו בקו העימות בשל המלחמה
בתי עסק בצפון שנפגעו בקו העימות בשל המלחמה
Shlomi falafel joint owner cleans up after roof collapses from Hezbollah rocket fire
(Photo: Efi Sharir)
The targeting of communities near the border put their residents at risk because many have hoped to begin rebuilding. "On Sunday, hundreds of residents came to inspect the damage, putting their lives on the line. A village where the Burkan missiles are launched from, must be flattened," Neeman said.
In Kiryat Shmona, the biggest city in the Upper Galille, further to the east, 43 homes have been hit. "The city takes fire everyday and when we are not hit, neighboring communities are," said Mayor Avichai Stern. "The armaments used by Hezbollah have been getting more sophisticated and are nothing like in previous wars."
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בתים בקריית שמונה שנפגעו בשל המלחמה
בתים בקריית שמונה שנפגעו בשל המלחמה
Home damaged in a Hezbollah strike on Kiryat Shmona
(Photo: Avihu Shapira)
Stern says the Israel must launch an offensive to remove the Shi'ite terror group from the border and not wait for unreliable diplomatic agreements. The city, unlike other communities in the area, is responsible for its assets, at a heavy financial cost.
"Homes that were hit remain exposed and the rest are abandoned," Stern said. "We know from wars in the past that when residents evacuate, looters arrive. I must employ a private security firm because the local police, with its two vehicles, cannot deal with the problem. I've appealed to every possible government ministry for help, but no one is willing to foot the bill. If the government evacuated the city's residents, it should protect their homes from looters."
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