IDF observation soldiers engage Hamas terrorists approaching from Gaza
(IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
IDF observation soldiers from the Gaza Division were the first to detect and alert the approach of terrorists toward Israeli territory. The observation soldiers were the first to mobilize and engage the terrorists from a distance using a sniper sighting system.
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While under attack themselves, the observation soldiers operated, and continue to operate, precisely, professionally and vigilantly to engage and eliminate terrorists.
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IDF observation soldiers engage Hamas terrorists approaching from Gaza
(Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
"Commander, commander - we are at war!" the lookouts radioed. The IDF Spokesperson's Unit emphasized Sunday evening that "the observers acted and are still acting sharply, professionally and vigilantly in order to lead to the elimination of the Hamas terrorists, even when they were under attack themselves. Some 1,000 civilians were murdered and hundreds of soldiers and members of the security forces were also killed on Oct. 7."
6643rd Brigade officer Capt. D said, "On Saturday morning, the lookouts of the southern brigade detected the approach of terrorists toward Israeli territory. We are deploying the forces throughout the sector and, at the same time, firing from a distance to disrupt the infiltration into Israeli territory.
"Even in the middle of the exchange of fire, the lookouts continued to man the camera until the last moment, until their cameras fell and all the forces were deployed to the settlement line to protect the residents of the surrounding area. We are after difficult days and we will also have difficult days ahead. We will continue to carry out the task sharply and vigilantly to thwart further incidents. We are ready for what is to come, and we will prevail."
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Border Protection Corps Commander Brig. Gen. Eliad (Moati) Maor talking to his soldiers
(Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
Border Protection Corps Commander Brig. Gen. Eliad (Moati) Maor, praised the observation soldiers. "This formation is the one who recognized the whole event unfolding. You were the first to recognize, to radio the first reports and thanks to this, we saved many human lives even though we were hit hard.
"As I say this to you, I tremble with emotion and pride in how you worked, in what you did and how you assisted our forces in defeating the enemy. The only thing that gave us our initial alert was your reports. This system worked excellently and continues to work excellently."
First published: 07:41, 10.16.23