Western diplomats have expressed concerns that ongoing fighting in Lebanon could escalate into a prolonged war. They voiced skepticism over Israel's claims that its offensive in southern Lebanon is limited, a factor they believe may explain the strong opposition from the UN peacekeeping force, UNIFIL, to withdrawing from the conflict zone.
The diplomats agreed that UNIFIL's current mandate is insufficient and emphasized that it would need to be revised under any future agreement. Despite recent heavy losses inflicted on Hezbollah, they noted the group still has a leadership capable of making decisions.
"There is broad international recognition of the serious threat Hezbollah poses. A different solution is needed in southern Lebanon—things cannot simply return to the status quo," one diplomat said. "The West must explore how it can support negotiations."
While many in Lebanon may wish to see the end of Hezbollah’s dominance, the diplomats warned that an Israeli occupation of Lebanese territory could only serve to reinforce the terrorist group's justification for its actions. "Don't give Hezbollah excuses," they cautioned. "Israel needs a framework to enforce any new agreement, which includes a ground presence."
IDF forces in southern Lebanon
(Video: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
The diplomats also criticized Israel for not engaging sufficiently with its allies and cautioned that military gains alone would not achieve all of its objectives in Lebanon. "Israel has had successes, and it should use them as leverage to push for a broader agreement," they added.
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