I am writing from the home of a beloved friend who is searching for is precious daughter who has been missing since Saturday, October 7. Facing his tortured soul, we both hear the siren cry as a Hamas rocket falls in central Israel.
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I am writing to tell anyone who may not know, that on the morning of October 7, as the first sun rays appeared, and while the song of birds could be heard, we were slaughtered. An entire people had been slaughtered. Hundreds of families were physically slaughtered among them survivors of the Holocaust, women and young children who had barely lived. And all the rest had their souls, their very essence, their dreams and everything they hold dear, slaughtered. Until we can once again be the people we were. Until our children can once again see the world as safe.
I am writing so that all of you know that there are people amongst us, since October 7 who are walking dead. They breathe, move and eat (most at least) but they are not really living. I don't know if they will live again.
I am writing so that you all know that in the "land of milk and honey," as it was called in the book authored by God, and unsupportable amount of innocent blood has been shed, and an equal amount of tears, so much so that the eyes of our entire nation, are left dry. But all the while, endless lines of people form to donate their own blood for those fighting for their lives, harvesting what they can from their dried-up tortured bodies.
Residents of Modi'in pay tribute to Capt. Eden Nimri who fell in battle against Hamas terrorists
I am writing so that you all know that we tried, sometimes harder, sometimes not as hard, to live with those living in Gaza. Since the country was established, although we were targeted and murdered, we saw the people of Gaza as our neighbors. But we cannot call them neighbors, anymore.
I am writing so that you all know, that despite the extremist radicals among our people, we have extended our hands in peace, and remained a nation seeking peace. In the time since our existence, we have seen enough missed opportunities by those over there. Too often our extended hands were left hanging.
I write so that you all know that to achieve peace, 18 years ago, families were torn from their homes, had deserted their communities and the lives they had built, as Israel pulled out of settlements in the Gaza Strip. It was a one-sided withdrawal but again, those over there, did not use our pull-back as an opportunity for dialogue, or simply to bring prosperity to themselves.
I am writing so that you all know that the massacre on Saturday was carried out while Israel was conducting peace talks with Saud Arabia and after other Arab nations in the Middle East, had established diplomatic ties with us. The massacre was meant to disrupt the peace effort.
I am writing so that you all know that on October 7, something basic in us shattered and that was the faith in our land and its ability to sustain us, the Jewish state, without fear of massacres, pogroms and persecution. And perhaps something even more basic inside us was shattered and that is our faith in life itself. There are nations, like those who have suffered the Holocaust, for whom the act of living, is not a given.
I am writing so that you all know that on October 7 we stopped eluding ourselves that they over there, do not want a state. They want our annihilation and that given the chance, the followers of ISIS would not have stopped at border communities but carried on slaughtering Israelis to the last one.
I am writing so that you will know that we are a compassionate, loving people and in that we take pride. And that the military actions taken by our country now and in the future, are not in vengeance but out of a clear and deep understanding that in order to prevent our annihilation, we must stand up and fight. We must survive.
I am writing so that you all know that an entire nation cannot sleep, or awaken grasping for air, hear racing, and in a cold sweat, in desperate hope this was only a nightmare.
I am writing so that you all know that there are too many people who for no apparent reason, embrace their children and hold on to them with tears in their eyes.
I am writing so that you know that Israel has the most terrible WhatsApp group imaginable, which includes hundreds of members. Those whose children, brothers and relatives, are missing. They pray to learn that their loved ones are "only" abducted and held prisoner in Gaza. Every minute or so, a member writes that he or she is leaving the group because their child, was found or confirmed dead. "Good luck to you all," they write.
I am writing so that you all know, that my friend who was a member, is now leaving the group as well.