Scrumptious curry potato wedges

This quick and easy 10-minute recipe is perfect to serve as a side dish or enjoyed by itself thanks to its crispy exterior and flavorful punch

Ester Doron Zarfart|


  • 10 medium red potatoes, washed.
  • 1 white onion, sliced.
  • 3 tablespoons olive or canola oil.
  • 10 dried rosemary leaves.
  • 1 tablespoon yellow curry powder.
  • 1 teaspoon salt.
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper.
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Curry potato wedges
(Photo: Ester Doron Zarfart)


1. Preheat the oven to 230°C (450°F) on the turbo setting.
2. Cut the potatoes into quarters and place them in a medium-sized baking dish.
3. Add the onion and the rest of the ingredients, mixing well until evenly coated.
4. Add half a cup of boiling water and cover the dish with aluminum foil. Bake in the oven until tender, about 45 minutes.
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(Photo: Ester Doron Zarfart)
5. Remove the aluminum foil, reduce the temperature to 200°C (390°F), and bake for an additional 10-15 minutes until nicely browned. Remove and serve.
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