850 גג

Families to release disturbing footage of October 7 kidnapping of female soldiers

Clip shows bloodied and battered Liri Albag, Karina Ariev, Agam Berger, Daniella Gilboa and Naama Levy; 'It depicts the violent, humiliating and degrading treatment the women endured on the day of their abduction, reflecting the immense fear visible in their eyes,' families say

The parents of five female IDF soldiers abducted from Nahal Oz base and still held by Hamas have decided to release the video of the kidnapping at 6 p.m. (3 p.m. GMT) on Wednesday.
The footage, captured by the body cameras of Hamas terrorists on October 7, shows the brutal capture of the young women.
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תצפיתניות שנחטפו בשבעה באוקטובר לרצועת עזה
תצפיתניות שנחטפו בשבעה באוקטובר לרצועת עזה
Female soldiers abducted from Nahal Oz base (from L-R): Agam Berger, Daniella Gilboa, Karina Ariev, Liri Albag and Naama Levy
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תצפיתניות שנחטפו בשבעה באוקטובר לרצועת עזה
תצפיתניות שנחטפו בשבעה באוקטובר לרצועת עזה
From abduction video of IDF soldiers from Nahal Oz base
(Photo: Hostages and Missing Families Forum)
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תצפיתניות שנחטפו בשבעה באוקטובר לרצועת עזה
תצפיתניות שנחטפו בשבעה באוקטובר לרצועת עזה
(Photo: Hostages and Missing Families Forum)
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תצפיתניות שנחטפו בשבעה באוקטובר לרצועת עזה
תצפיתניות שנחטפו בשבעה באוקטובר לרצועת עזה
(Photo: Hostages and Missing Families Forum)
The images released from the video include subtitles where one of the terrorists is heard saying, "you are so beautiful," while the soldiers are seen bound on the ground and covered in blood.
On October 7, 15 female soldiers were killed at Nahal Oz base, and seven were taken alive to Gaza. Ori Magidish was rescued by IDF forces after 23 days in captivity with the launch of ground operations in Gaza.
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אורי מגידיש
אורי מגידיש
Ori Magidish
(Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
Noa Marciano was killed by Hamas terrorists while in captivity, and her body was returned to Israel by the IDF for burial.
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נועה מרציאנו ז"ל
נועה מרציאנו ז"ל
Noa Marciano
(Photo: Courtesy of the family)
The five soldiers still held by Hamas are Liri Albag, Karina Ariev, Agam Berger, Daniella Gilboa and Naama Levy. They have been in captivity for 229 days.
"The video, which is 3 minutes and 10 seconds long, has been edited and censored to exclude distressing content. It does not include scenes of the many victims at the Nahal Oz base, those killed inside the bunker from which the lookouts were abducted, or numerous violent segments,” according to a statement by the Hostages and Missing Families Forum.
“It depicts the violent, humiliating and degrading treatment the women endured on the day of their abduction, reflecting the immense fear visible in their eyes."
"Every testimony from the hostages echoes the same sad truth – we must bring everyone home. The video stands as a severe indictment of a national failure to protect the hostages. There is no greater task, no more significant victory and no way to restore hope to Israel without bringing everyone back – the living for rehabilitation and the dead for burial. The Israeli government must not waste another moment and should return to the negotiating table today!"
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