Letters threaten harm to Knesset lawmakers and their families

Letters allegedly sent by a group calling itself the Israeli Avengers Organization threatens to harm coalition members and their families; letters include addresses and national ID numbers of lawmakers and their family members; they are handed over to the police
Moran Azulay , Meir Turgeman|
An unprecedented letter containing threats against members of the coalition was sent to the home of two Knesset lawmakers. In the letter, allegedly sent "on behalf of the Israeli Avengers organization," there is an explicit threat to harm coalition members and their families, including children and grandchildren, Ynet has learned.
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The letter was placed outside the home of Knesset member Eli Dellal of the Likud party, and an identical letter was also sent to Likud lawmaker Eliyahu Revivo. The letter lists the addresses and national ID numbers of the coalition members, along with the names of their family members and their ID numbers. Relevant parties, including the Israel Police, have been notified
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מכתב ארגון הנוקמים
מכתב ארגון הנוקמים
Threatening letter from the Israeli Avengers organization
The Knesset security officer submitted an online complaint to the police regarding the threats against the two Likud Knesset members. It will be investigated through the Moriah station of the Jerusalem District Police, where it will be determined whether it should be moved to a national investigation unit due to their status as members of the Knesset or to police stations near their place of residence. The assessment is that the investigation will be consolidated and assigned to a district or national unit with intelligence and investigative resources, in order to reach those that instigated the threatening letter.
"We act under the inspiration of the Jewish avengers," reads the letter titled "The Israeli Avengers Organization - I will avenge and pay." They wrote that "the organization was established last summer, by a group of Israelis from different places. There are no direct victims among us, or victims' family members, and we do not claim to represent them."
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אלי דלל
אלי דלל
Knesset member Eli Dellal of the Likud party,
(Photo: Moshe Mizrahi)

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אליהו רביבו
אליהו רביבו
Likud lawmaker Eliyahu Revivo
(Photo: Dani Shem Tov, spokeswoman for the Knesset)
According to the letter: "We founded the organization in order to exact a price and harm individual terrorists, or groups that carried out terrorist acts in Israel. Until October 7, we did not see fit to act against coalition members. Unfortunately, we were deceived. We will act personally against the current members of the coalition, their names will not be forgotten."
In the letter, there was a threat of "retaliation against the members of the current government coalition, whether they serve in office or whether they have retired from political life. There will be significant damage to them and their families, including spouses, siblings, children and grandchildren. There will be representative injuries to one or two family members that we can reach. This is an injury to the soul. The injuries will be in proportion to the number of those who fall."
Revivo's office said in a statement: "We express our shock and disgust at the criminal act and the threats against him and other elected officials and public servants. No political dispute justifies threats against an elected official. We have notified the relevant security officials who will reach out to the perpetrators and bring them to justice. Knesset member Revivo will not be deterred."
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