How many people made Aliyah since outbreak of war?

Jewish communities worldwide experience surge in antisemitism, spurring them to consider and accelerate their Aliyah; 500 French Jewish families attend Aliyah fair in Paris
Even as Israel's war against Hamas in Gaza rages, the flow of immigration to Israel hasn't stopped. Since October 7, more than 3,000 new Olim have arrived in Israel, including young men and women who are about to enlist in the IDF, according to recent data from the Jewish Agency.
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The changing global situation amid a marked rise in antisemitism also led to an increase in Jews' interest in immigrating to Israel. According to the agency's data, since the beginning of the war against Hamas on October 7, there has been a 380% spike in the number of immigration cases from France, with 1,360 cases opened compared to about 280 in the same period last year.
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העולים מצפון אמריקה לאחר נחיתתם
העולים מצפון אמריקה לאחר נחיתתם
Welcoming new Olim from North America
(Photo: Nefesh B'Nefesh)
A significant increase in the opening of immigration cases was also recorded in large Jewish communities in North America. Immigration files in the U.S. were opened for approximately 1,890 people, an increase of 94% compared to the same time last year. In Canada, an increase of 147% was recorded with about 250 cases.
According to the data of the "Nefesh B'Nefesh" organization, which accompanies immigrants from North America, the last week of 2023 was marked by about 200 new immigrants from the region. An analysis of the data shows that half of the applicants for immigration stated in their application forms that the main reason for their immigration was "Zionism", while the issue of antisemitism seems marginal and was found to be relevant in only less than 6% of all applications.
Nefesh B'Nefesh co-founder and chairman Tony Gelbart says that "these are Jews who planned the move in the last year and not only did the war not cause them to cancel their plans, it intensified the urgency to come to Israel, out of a sense of belonging and solidarity with the people of Israel. In light of the surge in immigration cases, we enter 2024 with cautious optimism, and together with our partners are highly prepared to receive each and every immigrant who chooses the State of Israel as their home."

Pro-Palestinian demonstrations have an impact

Meanwhile, a series of immigration fairs were held in France in mid-December at the initiative of the Aliyah and Integration Ministry and the Jewish Agency in collaboration with Ofek Israeli, a community center that sent representatives to present diverse information regarding Israel to those interested in Aliyah.
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יריד עלייה בפריז
יריד עלייה בפריז
Aliyah fair in Paris
(Photo: Jewish Agency)
The fairs were held in Paris, Marseille and Lyon and for the first time in years, brought record participation. About 500 families turned out at the fair in Paris, 120 families at Marseille and 80 families at Lyon. The vast majority of visitors at those fairs are new audiences who are now interested in Aliyah, who have not previously opened an Aliyah case or been involved in other activities of the Jewish Agency.
Out of all the people who took part in the fairs, young couples with kids and young people aged 18-35 stood out. Meanwhile, a pro-Palestinian protest was held outside the building hosting the fair in Lyon, which had been graffitied beforehand.
The growing interest in immigration to Israel comes on the heels of surging antisemitism cases and rhetoric around the world, as well as the erosion of Jews' feelings of personal security. Since the beginning of ground operations in Gaza, there has been a sharp increase in the number of anti-Israeli incidents worldwide and security has been tightened in many Jewish communities and institutions.
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דורון אלמוג
דורון אלמוג
Jewish Agency Chairman MG (res.) Doron Almog
(Photo: Yoram Aschheim)
The atmosphere on campuses in the U.S. and Europe also has an effect, and the pro-Palestinian demonstrations in many countries affect the Jewish communities' desire to stay put or to explore the option of immigrating to Israel.
Jewish Agency Chairman Major General (res.) Doron Almog said, "Aliyah in these times is another expression of the partnership of Diaspora Jewry in building the State of Israel and its revival. I congratulate each and every one of the Olim who are building their home in Israel these days and call on all of us to receive them here with love and open arms. The Jewish Agency will continue to work together with its partners in Israel and around the world, to strengthen the resilience of Israeli society as a whole."
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אופיר סופר
אופיר סופר
Aliyah and Integration Minister Ofir Sofer
(Photo: Hadar Yoavian)
Aliyah and Integration Minister Ofir Sofer said that "the immigration of many Jews to Israel during the war and the tremendous jump in the opening of immigration cases are an important Zionist act, providing a boost to our morale and our steadfastness, and an expression of solidarity with the state. We believe that optimal integration of the immigrants will contribute a lot to Israeli society and will help the country's economic growth."
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