Dozens of teens throw illegal rave at Israel-Jordan border

Israel police says an undercover patrol spotted a gathering in a field near Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu, right by the Jordanian border; Officers called for backup and identified dozens of minors drinking alcohol and dancing to music

Israel Moskovitz|
Dozens of high school students, whose classes were delayed due to the teachers' union strike, attended an illegal rave on Thursday night in the Beit She’an Valley, near the Jordanian border, police said. Two suspects were detained for questioning on suspicion of running an unlicensed event.
Chief Superintendent Rona Morad of the Beit She’an Police said:"At around 1 a.m., an undercover patrol spotted a gathering in a field near Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu, right by the Jordanian border. Officers called for backup and identified dozens of minors drinking alcohol and dancing to music. It was immediately clear that this was an unlicensed rave, operating in violation of the law, with minors consuming alcohol."
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מסיבת טבע לא חוקית על גבול ירדן בסמוך לקיבוץ שדה אליהו
מסיבת טבע לא חוקית על גבול ירדן בסמוך לקיבוץ שדה אליהו
An alchohol bottle found at the scene
(Photo: Israel Police)
Police shut down the event, poured out the remaining alcohol, seized the sound equipment, and detained the organizers for questioning. "This is a serious incident, especially during such a tense security period, and even more so given the proximity to the border. The organizers didn't seek permission to hold the event, and there were no security personnel present. I urge parents to take responsibility for their children's whereabouts, especially late at night, and to know who they’re with," Morad added.
An illegal rave near the Israel-Jordan border
(Video: Israel Police)
She emphasized the importance of ensuring children aren't consuming alcohol. "Parents need to make sure their kids are updating them on their plans when going to a party. It’s also crucial to confirm that the event is licensed, which guarantees the safety and security of everyone attending. Given the current security climate, I wouldn’t have authorized a party in such a location."
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