Two residents of Kafr Manda in northern Israel shared a video of a large Montpellier snake vomiting out a whole live black whipsnake.
Large Montpellier snake throwing up a whole black whipsnake
(Video: Hani Murad and Hussein Zidman)
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The two young men who recorded the amazing spectacle are Hussein Zidan and Hani Murad. "It was amazing and scary at the same time. We didn't expect it to happen. We actually thought of saving the swallowed snake, but without success," said Murad, who saw the long snake coming out from behind a fence.
Aviad Bar, a zoologist at the Nature and Parks Authority, explains that: "When snakes are stressed and their stomachs are full they tend to vomit their prey. My heart aches for the meal he missed, it would have set him up for the winter." Bar adds that "the predator is a sub-venomous species and the prey is non-venomous."
The Nature and Gardens Authority emphasizes that all snakes are protected and it is forbidden to harm them.
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Large Montpellier snake threw up a whole black whipsnake
(Photo: Hani Murad and Hussein Zidman)
The scaly Montpellier snake is a large and impressive snake and the length of an adult snake is approximately two meters, according to the website of the Nature and Parks Authority. In mature snakes, the color of its back is a uniform brown, and sometimes the nape and head have a rusty reddish tone. In young snakes the back is dotted with dark and light spots. Its distinguished characteristics make it easier to identify this species found in the wild.
In Israel the Montpellier snake is found in Be'er Sheva and the north. This is an agile snake that inhabits diverse Mediterranean habitats, including sand. They are predominantly active during the day. The snake is a good climber and is sometimes seen on fences, bushes and trees. This species' vision is good and when looking for food or danger it tends to raise its front body. its diet includes birds, lizards, snakes and rodents and it is able to devour food items significantly larger than its body. The eggs are laid during the months of July and August, ranging between 4-81 eggs laid each time and they hatch about two months after being laid.