Israeli girl's final shot at beating cancer might lie in pioneering treatment

For nearly 3 years, Liad's fight against aggressive bone cancer has kept her away from daylight; Despite Israel's top medical care, the disease progresses, putting her life in jeopardy; Now, a breakthrough US treatment could be her last hope; Here's how to help
Ten-year-old Liad from Be'er Sheva complained about discomfort in her leg after spending time with her friends. Unaware that this was an emergency, her parents initially tended to her. However, over the following hours, the pain intensified to a point where they had no choice but to seek emergency medical attention.
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Liad's father, Lior, recalled, "Liad started screaming in pain, and her leg began to swell. The pain worsened until we decided to take her to the emergency room in Be'er Sheva, where they performed an X-ray of her leg. The doctor couldn't identify anything unusual, so we were referred to Soroka Hospital's triage. Even there, no suspicious findings were detected, and they sent us to the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center for a biopsy because they suspected cancer. It was the darkest day of our lives, and since then, we've been caught in a whirlwind of hospital visits."
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ליעד טרבלסי
ליעד טרבלסי
Liad Trabelsi
The biopsy results came swiftly, and they painted a grim picture: osteosarcoma, an extremely aggressive bone cancer that spreads rapidly and resists treatment. Liad embarked on a series of chemotherapy sessions aimed at shrinking the tumor, followed by surgery to remove it and a bone graft to replace the affected hip bone. Six months post-surgery, she underwent a PET/CT scan to detect any remaining tumors or traces, and the results were clear.
"Liad returned to school and to her normal life, and we finally breathed a sigh of relief," her father recounted.
However, just a few months later, the ominous news returned: Liad once again complained of back and leg pain, and she struggled to straighten up or walk. She was rushed for imaging tests, where they discovered tumors in her leg. She underwent another biopsy, and aggressive chemotherapy treatments, but the disease continued to progress. It sent metastases to her lungs, causing her to endure persistent coughing and rib pain.
After transitioning to a different type of chemotherapy, Liad began experiencing bouts of vomiting and severe headaches on the very first day of the new regimen. Initially, her parents assumed these were side effects of the chemotherapy. However, as the complaints persisted, they returned to the hospital once more.
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ליעד טרבלסי
ליעד טרבלסי
Liad and her father Lior Trabelsi
Liad underwent another CT scan, this time revealing metastases in her head. Her father, Lior, shared his feelings at that moment, saying, "At that point, I felt like I was crumbling. It was as if someone had poured gasoline on me and lit a match. She's been through so much. Every time, I promise her that she'll be healthy, and she says, 'You promise, and it keeps coming back'."
With the diagnosis of metastases in her head, Liad's parents began searching for a medical center with experience in treating her condition, as the current treatments failed to curb the disease's progression. After numerous consultation calls, they identified three medical centers with a track record of treating thousands of children in Liad's condition. Her father will be flying with her in the coming days to complete the necessary tests at one of these institutions.
However, the expected treatment comes at an extremely high cost, with expenses potentially reaching NIS 3 million ($790,000). "I've worked hard and supported my family, but since the illness struck, our financial situation has steadily declined," says Lior.
"I never thought we'd ever have to ask for any kind of charity. Our lives were normal until the disease struck us. To other parents, I want to say: if your children complain, go for all the tests you can, and keep a close eye on them, because a child doesn't complain for no reason, and it's impossible to know when the illness will strike. I hope people will open their hearts and contribute so that we can save Liad."
Lehosheet Yad foundation has rallied to save Liad. "The pain is immense every time we hear about a child suffering from this disease," says director Avraham Ester.
"It's been three long years, and the cancer hasn't left Liad's body. She's undergoing rigorous and aggressive treatments. Despite the doctors' efforts, the disease continues to ravage her and send metastases, and now her life is in danger. I appeal to the heart of the people of Israel to assist us in raising the funds to save her and provide her parents with every possible chance to rescue their firstborn daughter." All the funds collected will be dedicated directly to financing Liad's treatment.
Here's how you can contribute to saving Liad:
Credit Card: You can make a donation using your credit card.
Bank Transfer: You can make a bank transfer to Bank Hapoalim, Branch 772, Account 487839, in the name of "Lehosheet Yad" for the benefit of Liad Trebelsi. Please request a receipt after the transfer.
Sending a Check: Send a check payable to "Lehosheet Yad" to the following address:
Lehosheet Yad
8 Shimon Ben Shetach Street
El'ad, P.O. Box 80
Please indicate "For the benefit of Liad Trebelsi - Lehosheet Yad."
Phone Donations: To make donations by phone from Israel or abroad, call +9723-9090882.
Your contributions will go directly toward financing Liad's treatment.
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