
Your grandpa is dead - Bin Laden
Photo: AP

Bin Laden grandson learns of killing through text

Arch-terrorist's British step-grandson gets text message: 'Your grandad is dead. Watch news'

Osama bin Laden's British step-grandson said Monday he found out about the terror chief's death through a text message which read: "Your grandad is dead. Watch the news."


Bin Laden's fourth son Omar, 30, married British woman Jane Felix-Browne, 54, in 2007. Married several times before, she is now known as Zaina Alsabah-bin Laden.


They met following a reported holiday romance in Egypt and now live in the village of Moulton, near Manchester in northwest England.


The couple were not at home on Monday and her son Dean Lomas said they were currently abroad. Neighbors said they had not been seen for more than a week.


Lomas said he learned of developments during the night thanks to a text message from a friend then checked it out on the Internet.


He said: "It read 'Your grandad is dead. Watch the news'.


"The grandad thing is a bit of a running joke with everyone.


"I went on my Facebook page and news of his death was all over it."


Lomas said he had not yet spoken to his mother about the al-Qaeda leader's death.


She has previously insisted that her husband had no contact with his father since they were both in Afghanistan in 2000.



פרסום ראשון: 05.02.11, 20:21
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